chapter 15.

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-flash back

jisung: s-so where are w-we going?

minho: well i know your not really into outdoor sthff so i thought why dont we have a movie night? we could go to the drive-in movies and yeah

jisung giggled and leaned again minho a bit smiling

jisung: i would love that minho.

minho then drove to the drive-in, once they got there they got their tickets for the movie, they were going to be watching the new trolls movie band together. (i actually loved this movie sm so shut up 😠), the two got all set up in the front seats with a blanket or two and some snacks.

minho: do you want any more snacks ji?

jisung: n-nope, this is p-perfect.

jisung snuggled up close to minho trying not to pull on his tube to much since it was kinda hurting but he didn't care he wanted to be close to minho.

minho: wanna go to the back seat love?

jisung: u-uhm w-what?!..i-i m-minho-

he said stuttering uncontrollably while blushing and that made minho lose it


jisung: W-WHAT?! N-NO SHUT U-UP!.

he said turning red and turning away from minho

minho: jisungggg???? you horny little boy- you thought i meant back seat as in to go back there to fuck?

jisung: i- s-shut up.

minho: i meannn shittt

he said leaning over towards jisung in which jisung giggled and pushed minho away

jisung: y-your an i-idiot leeminho.

minho: i am not! your mean

jisung: i-i am n-not! y-your the m-mean one!

minho laughed at the way jisung was pouting and smiled at him softly

minho: your adorable jisung.

jisung smiled a bit before slowly leaning in and so did minho, after the kiss the two went to the back seat (to cuddle with each other you nasty horny ppl no smut in this book☺️)

-end of flashback.

ms kim: jisung? hello? could you come up for your test?

jisung quickly got up and went to grab his test, after class jisung met with felix and they both went home with their dad this time, but once jisung stepped out the car he started feeling really lightheaded.

felix: ji? you okay? dad somethings wrong with jisung!

jisung: n-no im fine..j-just sleepy.

mrhan: okay..lets get you upstairs no? take a nap?

jisung nodded as his dad helped him into the house the moment they stepped into jisungs room he almost fell in which felix and their dad helped him back up and onto his bed.

jisung: d-dad..i-dk whats w-wrong- i-i

mr han: hey..calm down okay?..your fine im gonna call your mom. felix stay with him.

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