chapter 16.

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felix: i-i know im supposed to b-be the happy one but i cant anymore!..i-i dont know w-what to do a-anymore..m-my life isn't all cupcakes and fucking d-depressed all t-the time- and i cant s-show it cause then j-jisung is going to worry and my parents w-will worry but i dont want t-then too cause they have j-jisung to take care o-of!, i-i mean hes depressed too b-but hes s-sick, i-i dont k-know how to feel anymore!.

seungmin:'s all going to be okay we're-

felix then got up crying harder while pacing back and forth

felix: a-and j-jisung is getting sicker! h-he might die! and m-my parents kept i-it a secret h-he was dying!. i-i cant lose him! hes my brother..i-i cant lose my brother. then f-fucking jisung said he wants t-to see minho b-before he dies!? L-LIKE WHO T-THE FUCK SAYS T-THAT?!. H-HES SUPPOSED TO B-BE POSTIVE AND L-LOOK ON THE B-BRIGHT SIDE! n-not make comments o-on how hes d-d-dying!. i-if i lose him..i-im going to be alone!.

felix said crying harder and falling down on his knees. everyone was shocked. they didnt know what to say or do.

chan: lix..i-

jeongin then cut chan off and went to hug felix in which felix hugged back crying more.

felix: how am i s-supposed to find m-minho?!. hes gone! i have n-no idea where hes at!.

jeongin: hey hey..dont worry about that okay..we'll help you find him..

everyone else then got up and joined the hug which made felix smile a bit.

felix: t-thank you guys..i appreciate it..

hyunjin: jisung will be okay alright?.

felix nodded before pulling away and smiling at hyunjin

felix: m-maybe dont tell jisung i broke down please?..he'll think i'm broken and try to switchbour parents attention onto me instead of him.

seungmin: we wont tell him. dont worry lix

chan: but ya know..its still okay to break down here and there? its not okay to bottle everything up.

felix: yeah i know but for now can we just go find minho?

changbin: alrighty, lets find minho!

the group ditched school and ledt campus to look for minho, theh went to his house, the local store the park, waterpark, a close by hotel. theh checked everywhere but couldn't find minho anywhere. the group decided to take a break near the park.

jeongin: god damn! where is this fat bitch at!

felix: did he move away or something? like fuck.

changbin: is there anywhere else we havent checked??

hyunjin: nope, we went to all his favorite places-

seungmin: god damn this mf really is good at hiding.

chan: yeah uhm seungmin can i talk to ya?

seungmin: oh sure!

he smiled as chan grabbed his hand and pulled him to the side

seungmin: yes?

chan: can you not get mad?

seungmin: uhhhh depends? why? whats wrong?

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