chapter 4.

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mark: ah! jisung heyyy

jisung groaned before slowly trying to get up but failed when jay put his arm around jisung shoulder sitting him back down

jisung: w-what do you want?.

jay: why so mad?, we just want to talk to ya cutie

jisung: w-whatever just get your hands o-off me.

mark: you know your very veryyy aggressive to people who just want to be your friends, maybe even more

jisung: thats f-funny, i wouldnt date neither of you g-guys.

jay: awww reallyyy?

jisung: r-really. now if you excuse me i have to go now.

mark: oh? where to babe?

jisung: d-dont call m-me that.

he said getting up slowly and started to walk away but then again got stopped by jay

jay: come onnnn, cant you just give me friend a chance?

jisung: n-no leave me alone a-already!.

when he yelled this jay tried to grab his arm but stopped when suddenly minho, hyunjin, chan and changbin walked behind jisung

minho: is this asshole bothering you jisung?

jisung: y-yes.

minho: do you want me to beat his ass?, cause i swear i will.

jisung: u-uhm..

chan: aish jay, cant you leave people alone? if he said no then its a no.

hyunjin: literally, get a hint he clearly doesnt want you

changbin: or your ugly ass friend so just leave him alone.

jay: whatever, see you later cuti-

before he could finish, felix came out and slapped the back of his head which made jay clearly mad

felix: dont call my brother cutie you nasty

jay: oh fuck no. you didnt just hit me!

hyunjin: and what about it?, your making his brother uncomfortable you deserve to get hit weirdo.

jay just walked away as jeongin and seungmin came down with jisoo

jisoo: hey jisung!!

jisung: h-hi.

minho: you know him??

jisoo: yup! i helped him when jay and mark were messing with him in the hallway

felix: thank you all for making us feel welcome at this school, and uhm for helping my brother when people mess with him.

chan: of course! your both apart of our group and we always have each others backs

seungmin: yuppie, no matter what butttt we gotta go now lets go jeongin byeeee everyonee

minho: bye uglys

seungmin: ugly your face asshole

he said walking away which made jisung giggle a bit which then made minho smile and blush a bit, which jisoo noticed

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