chpater 9.

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-few weeks after the whole fight

after a lot and a lot of begging the twin got their parents not to transfer them to a different school but they said if anything else happened to jisung then they would move not only school but state too, of course the group stayed together and well minho and jisung started getting closer and closer with each other, but jisung is slowly getting sicker but he doesn't want to say anything about it.

-during their last period.

minho: so ji, since todays a half day wanna come over? my dad wont be home so we could like watch a movie or something?

jisung: i-ill have to ask m-my mom min

minho: thats fine, just let me know by the time this class ends

he said laughing, after that jisung immediately texted his mom asking, of course they would say yes but jisung was only allowed to go out maybe once a month. and he was usinf that to hanging out with minho. he didn't care he just wanted to be with him, after waiting a bit he got a yes but only today

jisung: s-she said y-yes.

minho: oh hm? really

jisung: yuppie i-i just have to b-be home by 8

minho: okayyy thats fine

jisung giggled a bit and went back to dojng his work, after school ended, jisung and minho walked iut together meeting with the rest of the group outside.

felix: ok ji come on lets go

jisung: i-im going over t-to minhos today lix

felix: what?!

hyunjin: since when?

chan: what? did i miss something?

minho laughed and put his arm around jisungs shoulder smiling

minho: were just gonna hang out nothing much!

jeongin: mhmmmm nothing much uh huh okayy sureee

seungmin: aishh stop jeongin leave them alone

changbin: i mean anything can really happen ykkk??

jisoo: minhooo! lets go dads not home and i want to play my game before he comes! and im hungryy

minho: im going im going go wait in the car go

jisoo whined before walking away with minhos keys, felix then hugged jisung

felix: ill see you later okay? text me if anything be safe and i love you

jisung: l-love you too

minho and jisung then started walking away too while the rest of the group started freaking out, laughing and giggling

-with minho and jisung.

jisung: y-your sister k-knows im g-going over right

minho: no but she wont mind, were just gonna be watching a movie

jisung nodded and followed minho too his car, once they got to it minho open the passenger side and looked at jisoo

minho: go to the back, jisung going in the front

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