chapter 18.

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-the next day

the group woke up early so that way felix could sneak them back out snd they agreed they would come again in a few hours, after a few minutes of felix sneaking them out jisung started throwing up everything he was holding back when his friends and maybe bf were here and sleeping he didn't want to disturb them, felix ran to jisungs room with water and medicine.

felix: ji! are you okay?.

jisung: y-yeah..f-feeling a b-bit sick.

felix: how about you just stay in bed? maybe get more rest.

jisung laughed sarcastically before slowl ygetting up going to his bed

jisung: r-rest?..lix i-im dy-dyin-

felix: yes i know. just shut up and stay in bed.

jisung: w-whatever.

felix sighed before putting the water down and smiling a bit

felix: minho is coming over right now to take care of you since im gonna be at school and mom and dad are working k? i gave him a key already so just stay in bed till he comes.

of course jisung was happy but couldn't show it  he didnt have much energy to do anything but nod in which felix came over and kiss him in the forehead.

felix: i love you ji.

jisung: m-me too..

felix smiled a bit before leaving the room closing the door once felix left his room he broke down down crying hard.

jisung: i-im not r-teady!..w-why..w-why!..w-why!?..

he said crying and sitting up a bit before going over to his desk and pulling out photo book crying more before sitting on the floor looking through the photos.

jisung: m-my life..i-its e-ending..

he said before yelling and crying while starting to rip up photos out of anger.

jisung: i-its not fair!..W-WHY!..WHY M-ME?!..W-WHT DID I-I DO TO D-DESERVE T-TO D-DIE!.

he said before getting up slowly and going around his room dropping thing off the shelfs, the bed, throwing things around.


he said yelling and crying before dropping a picture frame he had on the counter which was him and his family making the glass shatter everywhere then he dropped other frames which were his friends and minho making a bigger mess in which minho then came running jnto the room worriedly.

minhos pov-

right as i got to jisungs house i closed the door put my bag down to the side but while i was getting my shoes off i heard glass and things falling so i thought the worse before running straight upstairs to jisungs room only to see him standing in the middle of a bunch of glass, his room was messed up..he was crying and crying. my heart broke.

end of minhos pov.

minho: j-ji?..

jisung: i-i..

minho quickly went over and moved jisung away from the glass and got him carefully out the room before jisung broke down crying in minhos arms.

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