chapter 2.

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??: aishhh, we we're only playing around hyunjin

hyunjin: my fucking ass! get out of here before i call chan and minho to beat yalls ass

the two boys then run down the hall and felix ran faster over to jisung grabbing him before he fell to the ground panting a bit

felix: j-jisung?, your okay alright, just breathe, be calm.

jisung: i-i was sc-scared..i-i couldn't b-breathe..

thats when the bell rang and everyone started going to class except jisung felix jeongin and hyunjin since they were sorta helping jisung.

hyunjin: i-is he okay?..

jeongin: hes fine jin, just that tube helps him breathe, since they were holding it for a while hes catching his breathe

felix: better?

jisung nodded and slowly got up holding onto the pole, he then looked at hyunjin and bowed down a bit

jisung: t-thank you for s-saving my life.

hyunjin: oh! dont worry about it.

jeongin: hmmm okay, so it looks like jisungs first class is 12th grade english?!?

felix: woah! that's amazing ji!!

jisung: i-i guess..

jeongin: and felix your fist class is with me!, gym

felix then whined before nodding a bit

felix: then who could take jisung?, gyms on the whole other side of campus-

hyunjin: i-i can, im a 12th grader i could take him and bring him back other here after class

felix: really?. thank you.

he sais smiling at hyunjin brightly which made hyunjin blush a bit

hyunjin: of course.

felix: ill see you after class okay jisung? be careful. i love you

jisung: i-i love y-you too.

felix and jeongin started going one way while jisung and hyunjin went the other way.

hyunjin: soo uhm jisung??

jisung: y-yes?

hyunjin: if you dont mind me asking, why do you need this whole machine and stuff to breathe?

jisung: i-i have h-heart problems that m-make it ha-hard for me to b-breathe.

hyunjin: oh, im so sorry.

jisung: its fine..

after a bit more of walking they got to the class

hyunjin: hey! we have the same class!! isnt that funny

jisung: y-yeah..

hyunjin: this class isn't assigned seats so if you want you can sit with me and my friends, we basically have the same classes lol

jisung then giggled and nodded a bit

jisung: thats f-fun..

the two boys then walk in making the whole class turn around making jisung nervous again.

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