chapter 12.

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jisung: u-uhm anyways. let's continue no?.

minho: yeah sure.

the two then started working on the pages together, by the time class ended both boys werent mad anymore but still sorta regretted what they did. minho felt horrible for tell jisung that and ji felt bad for slapping minho even tho he did kinda deserve it, while jisung was about to leave the class minho asked him to stay behind since he wanted to talk, after school ended minho took ji to the roof of the school.

jisung: m-minh-

minho: my dad wasnt always abusive..he was a really nice guy when me and jisoo were growing up, we were like considered like the perfect family of the town.

he said laughing a bit and sitting on a bench next to jisung.

minho: but then one night my family was on a camping trip and i-i was in charge of my brother and jisoo.

jisung: b-brother?..

minho: he was a few days younger then me..but one night i-i was watching them both i dont k-know what happened but i l-lost my brother. t-the next morning my mom found him..he had ran out in the woods. and well d-died..

jisung just sat there listening.

minho: i-i guess my dad couldn't take it. he got into drinking and well a-at first he wouldn't hit. just yell. but i remember one parents were fighting. my mom threatened to leave my dad if he didnt stop drinking snd well he lost it. he b-beat my mom. i was 16 jisoo was about 14ish. we had to force my dad to stop c-cause he was just beating my mom.

jisung: o-oh minho..i-im sorry..

minho teared up a bit and sat back

minho: and e-ever since th-the day we lost my dad alway used to make sure i knew it was my fault he died. b-but i guess my dad was just hurt. and well missed his son..

jisung just frowned a bit before pulling minho in a hug tightly.

jisung: i-im sorry for t-telling my mom..i broke your promise..i-i never wanted to ruin your so sorry minho.

minho sniffled before pulling from the hug.

minho: i-i should be sorry..i was a
total jerk about it all. you were just trying to do the right did. and im glad you did help..i really appreciate it. i shouldn't have gotten so so sorry.

jisung just sighed a bit before sitting up a little.

jisung: i was 5, w-when i first g-got sick, me and f-felix were p-playing around in t-the front yard, running a-around playing t-tag hide and s-seek. and well i r-remember running o-out of breathe and j-just p-passing out i g-guess?..i woke up i-in the hospital and w-well i had this t-tube and machine, doctors t-told my parents i-i had a h-heart problem along w-with a lung p-problem and well i-i was just sick a-all of sudden.

minho: jisung..

jisung: me and f-felix didn't understand a-at the t-time since w-we were s-still kids and w-well at f-first w-with this whole t-tube and shit i-it was easy y-you know?..but a-as i got o-older the k-kids at school got m-meaner..s-so we were a-always moving b-back and forth. b-because sometimes t-the bullying w-would get so b-bad..most of t-the uhm time. i-i was lonely and h-had no friends b-besides felix..b-but when i made f-friends with y-you and everyone e-else. i felt h-happy you know?..a-and that i h-had to protect y-you guys..s-so when i saw w-what was going on w-with you. i-i was worried..i only t-told cause i-i wanted you to b-be safe ya know?.

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