chapter 14.

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mrbang nodded before leaving and coming back with paperwork and set it down infront of minho.

mrbang: Leeminho this is your third fight of the year, you caused arguments and trouble for your teachers. ill call your mom to come get you, please go clean your locker out your expelled. you cant come back onto campus nor try to reenroll.

minho: i uhm..i understand.

mrbang: grab your things then come back while we wait for your mother

minho nodded before getting up and walking out to the hall where he was met by felix and jeongin.

minho: why arent you guys in class.

felix: we were but you were taking long, first periods over dummy

minho: hm? didnt hear the bell i guess

jeongin: where are you going? class?

minho: uhm. not exactly.

felix: minho-

minho: shut up don't say anything okay? its fine. i got expelled for starting the fight

he said walking away to his locker with felix and jeongin behind him

jeongin: your expelled?! but felix started the fight!

felix: yeah i started it!

minho: yeah..well i couldn't let you guys get in trouble, i mean felix your mom would make us stop being friends if she finds out you fought

felix: what-

minho: and jeongin your mom already doesnt like me for what happened last year

felix: what happened last year?

jeongin: nothing dont worry but what will your mom say? shes going to be mad!

felix: omg lets just go in there and-


he yelled clearly upset about everything.

felix: minho you-


he said walking to his locker opening it

jeongin: what are you going to tell jisung?

minho just ignored him and started putting his things in his bag

felix: don't ignore us. what will you tell jisung?. if he finds out you took the blame for us he'll kill us!.

minho then slammed the locker and looked them in the eyes.

minho: look. tell jisung i went home because i didnt feel good okay?.

jeongin: jisung will believe that but the others wont, they know you never get sick.

minho: then shut up and dont say anything okay?. just say im sick please. i dont want him to know..he'll be disappointed.

felix: okay yeah, then what happens when your out sick for the rest of the school year?.

minho: i-ill tell him im moving. problem solved.

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