chapter 6.

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678-***-****: hi

minho. : hello?, who is this?.

678-***-****: jisung, chan gave me your number

minho. : oh jisung! hii, can i help ya??

jisung🤗: yes actually, i wanted to know why you havent been coming to school?
jisung🤗: our assignment is due and you still haven't gave me your half of it.

minho. : uhhh ive been busy, im going tomorrow tho! ill have it for you i promise

jisung🤗: please have it by tomorrow then, if i fail this assignment i will get switched to 11th grade math.

minho. : thats a bad thing?

jisung🤗: yes cause i want to stay in 12th grade math?
jisung🤗: just get your half to me by tomorrow please.

minho. : got it! 🗣️

jisung smiled a bit before putting his machine on his counter then laying down in bed relaxing a bit, but then he got another text message which made him confused.

jisung🤗: yes cause i want to stay in 12th grade math?
jisung🤗: just get your half to my by tomorrow please.

minho. : got it! 🗣️

minho. : hi jisung, i was wondering if you wanted to ft? i need help with the work 😢

jisung🤗: uhmmmm sure go ahead call me

           incoming facetime call from :  minho.
                         accept.          decline.

jisung sat up a bit and smiled at his phone before answering the ft call

minho otp: hi jisung!

jisung: h-hi minho.

minho just smiled through the phone hearing jisungs voice but then quickly stop staring

minho otp: sorry uhm so the assignment, what am i supposed to do??

jisung: s-so you just h-have to consulate t-the weight o-of the ship t-then just r-right it down but s-since i already d-did that j-just draw a b-big ship y-you know?

minho otp: i have to draw a ship?!

he said sitting up quickly from his bed looking at jisung confused through the phone which made jisung giggle a bit

jisung: y-yes, if you w-want i can h-help you with i-it?

minho: uhmmmm no its fine, ill do it myself! what kinda ship do i draw? and on like regular paper? or like?

jisung: aish m-minho. this is w-why you come to school everyday, y-you have to-

jisung then got cut off by felix who barged in whine

felix: jisungggg, i need helppppp

jisung: i- f-felix im kinda b-busy

felix: awww with whattttt??? im your younger brother your supposed to help me with my problemss

jisung: l-lix i already have e-enough problems, just go ask m-mom! or d-dad

felix: fine, also my mom said to come take your medicine

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