Chapter 27

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Namjoon POV

"Hey, Joon, think you're up to the task of helping me with a big order?" Yoongi asks as I walk through the door of the shop, bringing a curious smile to my face. The store is currently pretty packed, Taehyung's on shift with Yoongi while the two of them run around like madmen to keep up with the rush.

"I'm up for giving anything a try, hyung. What's up?" I respond, wondering just what exactly were up against when we've got so many people currently. He hardly waits for me to get behind the counter for my own shift, grabbing me by the hand and nearly dragging me to the back where the kitchen is. He wipes his forehead with his forearm once we stop, and I smile at the sight of flour sticking to his face, gently reaching up to wipe it away.

"I thought we might try taking on catering orders to see how it goes. We had someone come in around an hour and a half ago that asked if we did catering. They've got a big work event tomorrow that they're hoping we can help out with. They're looking for ninety cupcakes, sixty donuts, and seventy five cookies, all of which are variety packs. I already wrote out which types of cupcakes, donuts, and cookies they wanted. I'm not expecting you to do it all and I know I've not worked with you on all of these, but if you could at the very least get things started, I'd greatly appreciate it.

"I don't know where the hell this rush came from, but their timing is impeccable with this order. I promise I'll be back here as soon as I can to help you with this, but right now, Tae and I are just trying to keep the damn shelves stocked while keeping up with getting people their orders. I'm so sorry to be throwing this at you so suddenly, Joon, but I really need your help with this one. They're wanting this order delivered by 7:45 tomorrow morning, and if I can get as much of this done today as possible, it's going to be an enormous help from having to have my ass up all night just to get it done." Yoongi speeds through, handing me a paper with their order in the process.

"I've got it, Yoon, don't worry. You get back to doing what you need right now. I've got this covered." I breathe out, trying not to think about the fact that I've still yet to gain remotely enough confidence for something of this magnitude. I can see the relief that washes over him at this, smiling when he pulls me into a quick hug before he's off and running again to get back to the front of the shop.

I take a deep breath as I try to process just what I'm up against, grateful that I'd gotten everything I needed to tackle today done this morning so that I don't have to worry about anything else today. I don't blame him for being frazzled at the moment though, knowing by now that he really is usually slow for at least another good forty five minutes normally. The rush hit early today, and I can only hope for the sake of Yoongi's sanity that it also ends early as well. I know Tae's shift is supposed to be ending in another half hour, he's got his study group meeting an hour from now, which means that if I don't get started on this now, then Yoongi and I really will be up most of the night in attempt to get this order fulfilled.

Letting out a small sigh, I begin reading over the order, trying to see if there's any recipes that Yoongi's worked with me on that I could start with. I find that there's not though, and I purse my lips at the thought that I'll be trying my hand for the first time ever on these recipes for a giant order. I run a hand through my hair, walking off to where I know he keeps a recipe book, knowing I'd better get my ass moving if I don't want to let Yoongi down.

Grabbing the binder, I now understand why he keeps the recipes as individual pages, grateful for that fact as I begin pulling out the sheets that have the recipes I'll need on them. I quickly scan over each recipe, grabbing the first one on the order so that I can be sure I don't miss any by jumping around, moving to grab the ingredients I'll need for this first recipe so that I can get to baking.

"Hey, Joon?"

My head snaps up at the sound of Yoongi's voice, the elder still sounding very much like we've got a rush up front. I have no idea how much time has passed since I've begun on the order, figuring Yoongi will ask for me to come up front when he's ready for me.

"Yeah, Yoon?" I answer, wiping my hands off on the apron I'm wearing.

"If you don't mind, I'm gonna keep you back here tonight while I deal with the rush up front. I'm gonna need you to keep at least two of the ovens free for restocking up front though. Think you could pause on the order and start whipping up a batch of the red velvet cupcakes and our October cookies?" Yoongi huffs, clearly out of breath from running around even though we both know that we're nowhere near the end. I take a deep breath at the idea, still not feeling the most confident.

"Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. I'll have it up front for you as soon as their done." I answer, snapping out of my worry. I earn a gummy grin at this as he nods, soon disappearing once more. I nod lightly to myself, soon shaking my head instead as I pause what I'm doing so that I can go find the recipes for those two items instead.

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