1. Banished

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Taehyung's POV-

Today morning, when I left my house, I had only one thought in my mind, which was opening someone's head, messing with the nerves, pulling or pushing back some tissues. Never once I imagined confronting the head of the pack who is also a blind follower of superstitious things and loathes my presence as much as I do, if not then more. 

"You did it huh!" What is he talking about? I didn't even reach my place so how can I do it. "You finally succeeded!" I didn't, if I did you wouldn't be standing here shouting on my face.

I sighed for the nth time in front of him before asking, "What are you talking about, Ten?"  This man is younger than me so I refuse to use honorifics and that ticks him off too, just like my presence. His face turned red but what shocked me was the tears welling in his eyes, that's new to me. He never cried. 

"Why are you.... crying?" My question didn't settled well with him because next moment his fist met my face sending me to ground. "You fucking witch! You...you killed my baby!!" My head snapped up at his accusation but I couldn't find myself to be angry at him. He recently had a baby, but the boy was too weak and prematurely born to survive. I winced a bit as I felt the pain on my lips, the metallic taste confirming the cut on my lips. 

"Te-" I started but he cut my words in mid before speaking. "Get out of my pack. Out. I am banishing you from my pack, you Kim Taehyung, are no longer a member of my pack, nor is your family." 

"Ten, you can't do that, I have been here since ev-" "And I have tolerated you enough! My father should've done this when you killed off your own parents!" No. No I didn't kill them. But I am not going to say that. I have said that enough times already.

"Out of this town in two days." That's the last thing he said before leaving. I would have to leave this place where I was born, my family that already declared me as a witch is going to fume with anger when they will know about this. I am not ready for their words.

But again, I was not ready for anything ever happened to me in my life.

Picking myself together I took a deep breath as I always do so I won't throw something back at the man who's already crumbled by the death of his son. If being an omega with odd features isn't bad enough, I have a short temper which leads me to do the unthinkable only to regret it moments later. My ashy grey hairs and grey eyes gave me the name 'witch' as they call me. 

"Let's hope at least my patient didn't die, too." With that I continued my walk to the hospital where I work as a neurosurgeon. 


"Thanks everyone! The operation's successful." I announced finally getting out of the operation theatre after a six hours long surgery. It was a surgery of craniotomy, I had to remove- "Taehyung!!" Oh no. I turn my feet 180 and try to make a quick walk to another wing but failed as I felt his hand on me.

"Hey! I just heard what's happening, why? I will talk to alpha Ten for you. Give me some time. You don't need to leave." Jisun was seriously worried for me, I could see that on his face. Though he did say he will talk, I know it won't do anything but create another set of problems for me. He is nothing but a beta nurse in front of the pack alpha Ten. And I don't want to owe anything to him since I know he has been pinning on me from day first.

"No, it's fine. I think I need this too. A new start with new people;" away from ghost of past that haunts me everyday. "So, you don't have to do anything. Thanks though." With that I sneaked out of his grasp before he could start his another fit convincing. It's not like he is bad. No, he is good, alright but, I don't want him. I don't want anyone. I am fine alone, with my lil pity party and imaginary world where I have people who support me and me alone.

I quickly did the formalities needed to resign from the hospital, while searching for a house at the same time. I have a family of six. Three cousins, my uncle and my aunt. Apart from my omega cousin, the other two who were beta disliked me just how their parents taught them. At times I think the oldest isn't their son at all. 

While walking back home in evening, all I could think was what would be their reaction. They must knew by now what happened in morning. On the road, the stares and whisperings towards me were pretty much obvious, I wonder why they even try to be discreet but then I remember I threw a boot at one person who dared to call me names on my face. He owned a meat shop and I was banned from that shop.

I braced myself for the worst as I rang the doorbell. The door was opened by a very scared Seokjin, my cousin, "Tae! Are yo-" and he was shoved aside soon by my aunt who looked like she would rip me bone by bone. "Why are you alive! You should've died with your parents! Why? Why! Just to make sure we end up like your parents? Y-..." I waited for her to take a breath as she has breathing problems and it always comes in her way of criticizing me. "You...you witch! We are being t-thrown out of the pack because of you!!" 

People think I lack emotions or I am an empath because their words don't affect me, or it's doesn't look like it does. But, truth is, I don't care anymore. I am tired of their words, taunts and though I don't show, it always comes back at night to haunt me. I can't sleep alone.

"Eomma, let's get in. Leave the witch or who knows if he will curse you too." My other cousin, Hyunjin said with disgust lacing her voice and face as she dragged her mother back. She was lucky she was a girl as wolves don't harm females and so do werewolves. His brother isn't so lucky, his broken nose is the example.

Finally, I was left alone to be in my room and think about what's going to happen next. Discarding my clothes I stood in front of the mirror, the howling wolf mark on my back on glory. Jin hyung told me I didn't had this mark when I was born, nor this was my natural hair color or eye color. Something happened that no one knows, and I don't remember, don't wish to remember too. 

I was going through the different houses to shift into when someone knocked on my door. "Come in." It was Jin hyung, he was the only one polite enough to knock. "Tae....I couldn't ask before, are you fine Vu?" He asked worriedly as his eyes fell on the cut on my lips. 

"I am fine hyung." Just then, I winced a little while speaking due to the stretch of the tissue. "I will be fine, I guess? It's nothing hyung." It didn't calm him but he was not that worried now. He settled on my bed for me to lay my head on his lap, my only source of comfort in my life. 

"We need to leave tomorrow, alpha Ten is really disturbed with what happened and he would like our family to be out of his sight as soon as possible." I understood what he meant, Ten never keeps his word. "We will be leaving tomorrow. I have looked for the house, the payment-" Hyung looked at me with a warning in his eyes as I completed my words. "-will be done by me."

"Vu! I told you let me pay if not eomma and appa! That's your mone-" "So now It's yours and mine, hyung?" I asked like an abandoned puppy making him groan knowing what I was doing. "It's not like that, you know that too. I am a professor, I earn good enough-" A sigh left his lips as he turned his face away not minding to complete his words. 

"Hyung, I know you can pay and run the house too, and you do!" I said as I sat up and cupped his face to look at him before speaking again. "But this happened because of me, so let me handle this? Also, there's something you can do for me though."  

"What is it? Hyung will do it." 


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