Chapter 2

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So this is chapter 2 . I hope I do better yall. I hope I get more readers. And I promise this chapter will be longer.

Sashas's POV: As the day went by at school all l I could think about was Marcy. But why? Do I like them? Do I have a..... crush on them? They just look so beautiful. Honestly they are so adorable. Why does that nerd always make me blush? I snapped out of my thoughts when Anne tapped my shoulder and passed me a note saying "Hey sash are u ok? You've been zoning out a lot lately" Once I read it I look up at Marcy then at Anne. After a few seconds of hesitation I flipped the note Anne sent me and wrote "Meet me in the restroom rn." I then rose my hand wishing that Marcy wouldn't notice and asked "May I use the restroom?" Followed by a nod and left. After a few minutes I heard the door open and saw it was Anne.

"Anne I need to talk about Marcy.... I...I think I'm in love with Marcy", I said feeling so nervous of what she would say.

"So you have a crush on her. It was about time you realize Waybright"

"Have you been shipping us, Anne? Is it that obvious? D..Do you think they know?"

"Sasha relax. I don't think they've noticed. I think you should tell them how you feel. I honestly think they like you too."

"Do you think if I told Marcy how I feel, would they like me back?"

"Hey uh, Sash, if you ever tell Marcy how you feel she would like you too. You're an amazing person and she would like to be with you.

"Thanks Anne, for being there for me. One question though, Can you help me to ask them out?"

"Yeah sash, now let's get back to class"

As we go back to our classroom and into our seats I see Marcy taking her notes and I start writing my own notes, or at least I try.

Third person POV:
The three of them were in there final class waiting for it finish. As their class ended the three of them went through the halls and into the outside of the school going their separate ways. Anne went to the tennis court for practice. While Sasha went to the basketball courts for cheer practice. Marcy on the other hand doesn't practice anything so they go to the bleachers.

Marcy POV:                                                                                                                          Once I got to bleachers I sat and  starts playing video games. After 20 minutes I finished my game and started looking at Sasha and zoning out into my thoughts

'Everything has changed since amphibia. But something feels different with Sasha. I can't help myself thinking about her! Why is it always her? Have I been denying I liked her? I think I like her. I think I'm in love with-

I was snapped out of my  thoughts when I heard Sasha call out my name "Hey mar-mar are you ok? You zoned out for a while, I was calling you but you gave no response."

"Y..Yeah I'm fine Sash. Is your practice over?"

"Yeah Marce, let's go and look for Anne.", she told me as she grabbed my hand started heading for the tennis courts. I felt my face get all warm and red while we left. 

I went back in my thoughts thinking about her again.

'Come on Marcy be realistic. Sasha would never like you. She's just your best friend. How could anyone like me. I'm just a skinny nerdy teen that just sits and plays video games. I have no chance with her.' 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Anne say something but didn't quite hear what she said. Once I was able to hear what she was saying she told me with a worried face, "Marcy are you ok? You zoned out."

Y...Yeah I'm fine. Everything is good. Lets go to the park", I said trying to act fine, like nothing is wrong.

On the way to the park I got my Nintendo switch to keep me from zoning out. I was playing vagabondia chronicles until stepped into a crack on the sidewalk and fell. Or at least I thought I did. When I looked up all I saw was Sasha grabbing me from my waist so I wouldn't fall. I see myself starting to blush, so I turn my head away and look at the ground. As soo as Sasha noticed she looked at me and let go. 

"Are you ok, Marcy?", Sasha asked me rubbing the back of her neck. But when I looked at her she was acting different. She looked nervous. Something I'm not used to seeing her feeling.

"Y..Yeah I'm fine, Sash." I replied trying not to make eye contact with her. 

'Come on, I can't be in love with her. Aaaaaahhh!! I just hope she didn't see me blush. You're so stupid Marcy'

For the rest of the way to the park I was trying not to make eye contact with Sasha and Anne. I just wasn't feeling good. I just can't stop thinking about her. Every time I look at her I start blushing. What is wrong with me. Why can't I think straight. She's just my best friend.

Anne POV:

Things are kind of awkward between Marcy and Sasha. It's obvious they like each other. These two are so oblivious they haven't noticed each other. Should I help them? I did say I was going to help Sasha but, I think I should leave the two on their own. two best friends like each other. 

We finally make it to park, but the two lovebirds are still embarrassed of what happened. So unfortunately it's up to me to break the ice. "So, what do you too want to do?"

"We should get ice cream from that place across the street." Sasha said pointing to the shop across from the three of us.

"Sure, that would be great", I replied smiling, while Marcy nodded with a smile.

Third Person POV:

Once the three of them got to the shop they ordered their ice creams. Anne ordered a Chocolate flavored, Sasha ordered a strawberry flavored, and Marcy got a mint flavored one. After they got their stuff they left the shop and returned to the park and sat at a bench.

"So since tomorrow is Friday, do you guys want to have a sleepover tomorrow at my place?", Anne asked while eating the cone of her ice cream. 

"Yeah, that sounds good. Tomorrow I don't have practice so we can meet up after school." Sasha said with a thumbs up.

"What do you think Marcy? Are you able to go tomorrow?" Anne asked, hoping for Marcy to say yes.

"Um... Yeah, I've got nothing to do so I can go." Marcy replied, with a smile that made Sasha blush a little.

After a few hours passed Marcy got a text from her mom saying "Where have you been. Go home right now or you'll be in big trouble." As soon as they saw it they got up and started getting their stuff.

"Sorry guys I have to go. My mom just texted me", they said, hurrying up and leaving, not letting Anne or Sasha say anything.

Marcy knew what would happen if they made their parents mad. She would get screamed at or even worse, they would get hit by them.

Authors Note: I just finished this chapter. It took me a long time to finish. I think I will just stick short chapters. So, I hope yall enjoyed it. If anyone would like to give me feedback, I would appreciate it. I hope yall have a nice week. Next chapter will probably come out next week. Byeeee.

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