Chapter 7

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Marcy's POV:

It's been 2 weeks since I told Sasha and Anne about my parents. Things have kind of changed a lot between us. But it changed more between me and Sasha. I started gaining more feelings for her. I became a mess when I was around her. The worst part was that today I have to go to a sleepover at Anne's house. Which means that Sasha will be there. I just have to keep myself away from doing something stupid in front of her. I should be easy. Right?

At school:

"YOUR KIDDING!" I exclaimed, running my fingers through my hair. I wanted to cry I was so happy. "You can't be serious right now! Oh my God..." I felt a little light headed, so I sat down in the soft chair.

My student counselor sat across from me, smiling at me politely. I was glad he had told me in his office, since if he told me in the hallways of the school, I would've made a big scene.

"I'm verry serious. You're first meeting with Maxwell Sterling's assistant is this upcoming weekend," The counselor informed me. He stared drinking a sip from his coffee as I processed his words.

I had just been chosen for a scholarship/internship at Epicenter Films. What the hell is happening... I wondered to myself, staring out the office window. "So like... this weekend I just stop by the Epicenter Films building or...?" I asked him.

"Yes", he replied.

Well, that was a good guess on my part. Wait a minute... "So does that mean I get to meet Maxwell Sterling?!", I questioned, connecting the dots. 

"I highly doubt it, they're probably never in the building unless if he has an important meeting," he pointed out. I let out a sigh of  disappointment.

Don't be all sad, at least you get to meet Maxwell Sterling's assistant!! How cool is that?! I told myself in my head.

"You better be getting to class, Mrs. Wu." The counselor gestured to the door. 

"Right, Right. Thank you so much!" I spluttered as I grabbed my backpack and left his office. I stood outside his office, just thinking about what just happened and whispering "Oh my God" over and over. 

I get to meet Maxwell Sterling's assistant. 

If that's not a huge win, I don't know what it is. 

I was interrupted by a familiar voice saying, "Hey Marce, are you ok?" I heard  Sasha say, while Anne was waving her hand up and down at my face.

"Guess what, guys? I was called to the counselors office and I was offered a scholarships and internships, and there's this amazing opportunity at Epicenter Films," I exclaimed, while walking to our next class. 

Sasha, on my right side, looked up with curiosity. "Epicenter films? Isn't that Maxwell Sterling's company, the big shot producer?"

I nodded energetically "Yes, exactly! They have a scholarship program that also offers internships. The counselor recommended me. Imagine working with some of the biggest names in the industry! It's like a dream."

Anne grinned, impressed. "You're going all out, Marcy. I love the dedication. When's the date for the meeting?"

"The interview starts at 5:30 P.M.!" I exclaimed,, almost being close to our next class.

"What about the sleepover?" Anne asked me.

 Before I could say anything, Sasha said, "The interview is more important than the sleepover." 

"Start the sleepover without me, I can go tomorrow." I replied, trying not to ruin our plans.

Sasha nodded approvingly. "Solid plan. You've got talent, Marcy. They'd be lucky to have you."

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