Chapter 15

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Right after that conversation with Dr. Charles, Anne's mom and dad came to visit. I assumed that Anne was at school. Since it was like 10 A.M on a Monday.

Mrs. Boonchuy came right up to me and kissed me on the cheek. Just like it was this normal thing to do. I guess for her it was was normal. And really, I thought that the gesture was kind of nice, you know, sweet, but it made me a little bit uncomfortable. It was something I wasn't used to. And she kept thanking me over and over and over. I wanted to tell her to knock it off. But, I just let her go on and on because I knew how much she loved Sasha. As if she was on of her own. Mrs. Boonchuy always treated Sasha and I like that. She was so happy and that made me happy. So it was okay. At least someone was happy.

I wanted to change the subject. I mean, I didn't have a lot to talk about. I felt bad. But they were there to see me and I could talk and, you know, I could process things even though my mind was still a little foggy. So, I said "How's the restaurant going?"

"It's been great." Mr. Boonchuy said. "Anne started working there."

That made me smile.

Then Mrs. Boonchuy started talking. "Anne's going to Chicago for a few weeks. She was going to tell you...but then the accident happened."

"Oh," I said, and then I asked "Is Anne mad that she's leaving?"

"Yes," she said. "Anne is mad. But we had everything planned." 

I sort of just looked at her.

"She doesn't want to leave you after what happened."

That surprised me. I thought Anne wouldn't want to be with me. I didn't deserve to have someone that cared for me. I closedmy eyes.

"Are you okay, Marcy?"

 "The itching makes me crazy sometimes. So I just close my eyes." She had this really kind look on her face.I didn't tell her that my new thing was trying to imagine what it would it be like if nothing happened every time I couldn't stand the sensation in my legs.

"Anyway, it's good to talk," I said. "It keeps my mind off things." Iopened my eyes. "So Anne's mad at you."

"Well, I told her there was no way I was going to leave her behindfor a couple of weeks."

I pictured Anne giving her a look. "Anne's stubborn." 

That made me smile. I knew it was true.

I knew Mr. Boonchuy was going to say something else. I could justfeel it. But maybe he sensed something about me. I don't know. Hedidn't say anything else.  

I was glad we weren't talkingabout me or Sasha or what happened. 

I don't remember everything that the Boonchuy talked about. Theywere trying so hard, and a part of me was happy they were there butanother part of me just didn't give a damn. And, of course, the conversation changed back to me and Dante.

After a while, I was just really tired and stopped concentrating.I don't know why I couldn't stand the gratitude in Mr. Boonchuy's  eyes when he said good-bye. But it was Mrs. Boonchuy who really gotto me. Unlike her husband, she wasn't the kind of woman who letpeople see what she really felt. Not that she wasn't nice and decentand all of that. Of course she was. It was just that when Anne saidthat her mother was strict, I knew exactly what she was saying.Before she left, Mrs. Boonchuy took my face between her twohands, looked right into my eyes, and whispered, "Marcy Wu, I love you" Her voice was soft and sure and fierce andthere weren't any tears in her eyes. Her words were serene and soberand she looked right at me because she wanted me to know that she meant every word of what she'd said to me.

I don't know why I felt that way. Maybe because no one had really said it to me. 

After that everything went quiet. It was just me and my thoughts. Until I got a phone call. I was from Sasha's parents. They called me to thank me for what I did. Once again, I said I didn't do it on purpose and didn't want to be bothered with that. We talked for a while. I don't remember much after that. But I did hear that Sasha was going to see a counselor. 

I don't know why but Sasha looks like she would be a good counselor or therapist.

Author's Note:

I hope yall like this chapter. Sorry it took too much and that it's short. I started school, so chapters might take a while. Stay safe. Bye!

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