Chapter 5

186 4 13

Trigger warning: self harm

Marcy's POV:

I was having the worst day possible.

I had woken up after only three hours of sleep to the sound of my alarm, the sound sending jolts of pain through my head. After throwing on my regular pants and t-shirt, I went to the bathroom and remembered about my scars and started thinking.

'What am I going to say about this? What if Sasha and Anne find out about this? I... I should just say I fell down on the way to my home yesterday. Yes. I will just try to avoid them the whole day. That will never work. Marcy, you are so stupid.'

Sasha and Anne have no idea of what my parents do. I think it just stay that way.

After eating breakfast and brushing my teeth, I grabbed my bag and walking to school,  I pushed open the doors to the building, being met with a chorus of voices. The conversations of each student jumbled together in my head, making my  headache worse than it already was.

On instinct, I covered my scars with my hoodie. Trying to make no one see them on my way to first period.

It felt like ages before I finally reached my first period classroom.  I sat down at my desk, a sigh of relief escaping my lips. I just had to make it one class period alone, and then the rest would be with Anne or Sasha.

'Make it work, Marcy. They can't find out about it.'

Class went by smoothly as I took notes and listened carefully to Mr. Garcia's lecturing.

After a few minutes I reached into my bag to grab another pencil, but stopped abruptly as I heard my name  being called out by Mr. Garcia.

"Marcy, can you read this next line of notes out loud please?", he said, looking at me.

I went still and sat upright in my chair, flipping through my notes, feeling like a nervous wreck. Even tho I was prepared, I had been taking notes and listening the whole time. But feeling nervous.

'C'mon, it's only a few sentences. Just read them. It's not that hard? Why do I feel like this? What's wrong with me?'

"Uh- sorry, hold on..." I squeaked, shifting anxiously in my chair. A few giggles rang out from around the classroom. I could feel everyone's eyes watching me, waiting for me to speak up.

After a few moments, I just got up from my desk and started running towards the bathroom.

I ran into one of the bathroom stalls, sliding the lock shut and inhaling deeply. I could barely even manage to hold my phone in my shaking hands as I typed out a text to the group chat I shared with Anne and Sasha.

Girls bathroom, A hall
Omw. Might take a min.

I sighed and pulled my knees up against my chest as I  leaned against the wall. I felt a few tears going down my face.

'What are you doing Marcy? What if they find out? I..I can't keep doing this. I can't keep hiding this. I need to tell them. They need to know.'

I scratched my  hands, a sob escaping from my throat. I curled into myself as much as possible, as if trying to disappear completely.

I still had a headache from earlier that morning, and the bright lights in the bathroom did nothing to help it. I moved from scratching my hands to pulling at my hair in a desperate attempt to distract myself from everything else.

I could just barely hear the sound of footsteps entering the bathroom and stopping in front of the stall that I was in.


I let out a whine and curled further into herself.

"Hey, it's just me, it's okay. Can you unlock the door?"

After a few moments, I reached up feeling pain in my arm and slid open the door. Sasha shut the door behind her and sat next to me

"Hey Marce, you're going to hurt yourself pulling on your hair like that. Um.. you wanna hold my hands instead?". She whispered.

I grabbed Sasha's hands tightly, but it wasn't enough. I fought away her grasp and resorted to hitting myself, finding comfort in the repetitive movement. I didn't care anymore. If she found out about stuff.

"Can I touch you?" Sasha asked quietly, getting a shaky nod from me in return. She wrapped me in a tight hug, knowing how much I hated light touch. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted to feel cared by someone.

I clinged onto Sasha, burying my  head in the Blonde's chest as I let out another cry. "I'm sorry Sash."

"Don't apologize. You have nothing to apologize for. It's okay, Marbles. I'm right here." Sasha whispered, running her hands through my hair. "You wanna talk about something? I think Anne's been taking a test, but I can listen to you?"

'How am I going to tell her? What if she doesn't care? What if my mother was right? She doesn't care about me. Just do it stupid nerd!!!'

"S..Sasha I need to talk to you about something? I...It's a..about my parents." I paused and looked at her. I saw worry in her eyes. Like if she really cared. Like if she really cared about me.

As I rolled up my sleeves and let my hoodie down I said "My parents did this to me. They always have. I'm sorry I never told you.", I cried.

Sasha instantly pulled me into a hug. Hugging me tighter than ever. "Marcy, don't be sorry. Thank you for telling me. It must have been hard. But now you won't go through it alone. I'll be with you, I promise"

"I promise too"

Authors Note: I finally finished this chapter. It was so long to write. I hope yall like this chapter. I also want to say thanks for everyone who has been reading this. I hope yall have a good week. Byyyeee!

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