Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: January 7th, 2023

Caroline glanced down at her Apple Watch as she slowed down from her morning walk/run. It was a rather nice day outside for January and her morning routine had become pretty accustomed to her by now. As it turns out, the Monegasque people were not a fan of early appointments. In the weeks since moving to Monaco, Caroline had quickly adjusted to her new home, her new patients, and exploring her new city. The one thing she had struggled to find was new friends. Her heart sank at the thought of them all together in Chicago, at their monthly brunches. Caroline was pulled out of her head as she approached her favorite bench right by her apartment and sat down, taking in the incredible view in front of her. She was dreading going home to her silent apartment, once again. She was pretty high up on a hill so she had a full view of the harbor, all of the yachts and the homes littered across the mountainside.

"This view is why I came here," Caroline thought to herself.

"I know, right? I've lived here my whole life and somehow the views will never get old."

Caroline whipped her head to the side in an attempt to assess the stranger who just continued the conversation she was having in her head. She immediately had to squint her eyes as the sun shone down brightly on this cloudless day. Through the glare, she was only able to make out a male-looking figure with a black hat, aviator sunglasses, and... was that... a dimple? She also heard a strong accent, letting her deduce that he was a local. Unable to take in more details, Caroline realized she hadn't responded to the man and was just grateful to speak to someone who wasn't her bosses, a patient, or family.

"Your whole life huh? It's been a few weeks here for me and it's been incredible. I can't imagine growing up having this be the weather in January." Caroline laughed to herself, remembering the countless snow days and cold days that were scattered through the Chicago winters of her life. Part of her missed bundling up in fourteen layers just to walk outside, but the other part of her enjoyed being able to feel her fingertips and toes year round. The stranger, clearly unaware of the inside joke she made about her hometown, curiously replied,

"So then where are you from?"

Caroline wondered for a second why this stranger was asking her such a personal question, but she was grateful for the flicker of friendship she felt in this moment.

"I grew up in Chicago.... in America" she quickly added, remembering that she was, in fact, currently in the South of France. He chuckled at her quick correction.

"I was quite good at geography in school, so I know what you are talking about," he replied, flashing her a smile. He had a nice smile, causing Caroline to smile back at him as a reflex.

"I bet you were," Caroline replied, shocked at the flirty tone that escaped from her mouth for no apparent reason.

"Anyway," Caroline continued while rising to her feet, attempting to get a better look at the figure sitting next to her. "Enjoy the view," she said as she threw in her other airpod and started to walk away.

Caroline looked back at the man on the bench, realizing that his eyes continued to remain on her and she wondered which view she was hoping he would enjoy.


"Okay Mrs. Windham, please make sure to do your exercises, and I promise we will have you back to riding your horses sooner rather than later," Caroline mused with a bright smile on her face with her best customer service voice.

She quickly escorted the chatty patient outside before she could go on another rant about her horse trainer that she was going to be firing soon.

"Freakin Mrs. Windham and her damn horses," Caroline muttered to herself as she went back into the small clinic to start cleaning up after her session. She loved how personal this company was with their PT and their clients, requiring a one-on-one visit with all of them, which was a huge difference from how she was required to practice back in the states. As she cleaned, she thought back to the man on the bench, still trying to figure out where she knew that dimple from. Caroline looked up as she was joined by the owners, JJ and Jack, whom she'd grown particularly close with over the past few weeks, and who were amazing bosses.

Book 1: Leap of Faith -Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now