Chapter 27

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Chapter: 27 November 26th, 2023

Caroline woke up to knocking on her door as she half opened one eye to look at the clock; 4:56 am. "Who the fuck is here right now?" she thought as the knocking continued, getting louder. Caroline was never a morning person, especially when she was rudely woken up. She was mentally prepared to yell at whoever had the wrong room. Caroline swung open the heavy hotel door to see a very drunk Charles leaning against the doorframe. His head snapped up when she opened the door.

"Babe, hi. It's me. Your boooooyfriiienddd," he said in an almost incoherent voice. His eyes were barely open as he smiled, letting his dimples sink into his cheeks. "And... world champion," he added with a smirk as he pushed his way into her room, pulling her in for a hug and a forehead kiss before he wandered towards the bed.

Caroline felt her mood instantly brighten, something that was next to impossible in the wee morning hours. She shut and locked the door as she turned around to see him swan diving onto her bed. She laughed at the sight, wondering why he was there.

"Hi Charles, why are you here? It's like 5am," she asked as she joined him on the bed. He was laying face first into the mattress.

"I really wanted to see you. I thought about you all night and so when everyone came back after the party, I asked them where your room was and came straight here. Also because I want to do you." His eyes met hers as he reached out and grabbed her waist, pulling her into him. Caroline laughed at his words and his clear lack of inhibitions.

"Charles, honey, you are very very drunk. As much as I miss being "done" by you, I don't even think you'd be able to stay awake. But you can stay here tonight if you want," she added, smiling at his reddened face.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you, babyyy," he said, pulling her into a hug as they laid on the bed. "I'm so fucking happy right now," he confessed.

"I missed you too. Nothing was the same without you," she replied, speaking honestly, just above a whisper.

"You look so pretty right now. You look pretty all the time, actually. Especially when you're in your Ferrari gear. You're only allowed to wear my number, ever," he spoke with a gravelly tone. Caroline secretly loved the possessive side that had just come out of him. "Wait, I have a great idea," Charles continued, snapping open his eyes. "We should have sex."

"Charles, we just went over this. You're too drunk," Caroline said through laughter. She took note that he was a horny drunk.

"Do you remember that time? When I hurt my back?" he said through a sly smile.

"Yes, I do. Quite fondly."

"That was the best sex I've ever had."

"Me too."


"Tomorrow sounds great."

"I can't wait to make you scream."

Caroline laughed because she knew he was definitely going to accomplish that task by the time the sun set the next day. She closed her eyes and snuggled up against his chest, listening to his soft breathing. Still in disbelief of everything that had happened that day, Caroline drifted off into sweet dreams.

A half hour later, Charles woke up after feeling something move. He spotted Caroline curled up in a ball with her back towards him, breathing steadily. Not remembering how he got to her room or what he said when he arrived, Charles softly turned her towards him and guided her body back under his arm where he could hold her close. He did not care if he said embarrassing drunk words, he was just happy he ended up in her bed. Caroline woke up briefly to sleepily smile at Charles and laid her head on his chest. Unsure if she was asleep or not, Charles planted a kiss on the top of her hair and found the courage to mutter, "I love you Caroline," into her hair before drifting back off to sleep.

Book 1: Leap of Faith -Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now