Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: March 24th, 2023

Charles arrived back in Monaco around mid-day after Jeddah. He placed 4th, which was not the result he had hoped for, so he stayed back a few days to go over the race data and see what he could've done better. The whole team had continually told him what a fantastic drive it was, but all Charles could see was the mistakes, the errors, and the slip-ups. Charles was known to be extremely hard on himself, always pushing for better. He sighed as the driver took him back to his house, thinking of all of the things he had to do in such a short amount of time while back in Monaco between races.

He tried not to think about the one particular thing, or person, who was always on his mind. Moreso now, as he finally returned to their mutual home. There was something about this girl though, he couldn't seem to stop thinking about her or wanting her, even in a room full of all of his coworkers. Especially after their maybe-date a few weeks ago, he knew that their relationship was different and they just connected on some deeper level. They somehow never ran out of things to talk about, even after hours. But they hadn't had a deep talk since the maybe-date, just a few texts sporadically back and forth. T

he season had officially started and Charles barely even had time to think, much less time for a date. Another deep sigh escaped his mouth, once again trying to de-web the web of thoughts and feelings he had about this girl. She was nothing like his usual type, and yet, she made him feel special and important in ways that no trophy or job ever had before. Not to mention her body and the way his body responded to it when he had her pinned up against that hotel hallway wall. The car pulled into his driveway and Charles got out, insisting on grabbing his own bags out of the trunk.

"Oh shit!" Charles exclaimed as the bag was a lot heavier than he anticipated. Charles felt the muscles in his back straining to place the suitcase down slowly, not dropping it. After convincing the driver that he was fine, Charles hobbled into his house, desperate to get away from that embarrassing incident. Charles quickly laid face down on his bed, groaning at the pain that was throbbing from his back. He tried every day-after-training cure he knew with no avail. He was desperate for some relief at that moment, and he didn't have the shoulder mobility to rub the sore spot out by himself. He grabbed his phone knowing this was a perfect excuse to text her.

I don't suppose you are free at this very moment? I have a very important F1 driver in need with a very sore back :CL

Charles laid there, staring intensely at his phone, waiting for the three dots to appear. Sometimes they would pop up, and then disappear a few moments later. Charles had accepted his fate, knowing that he screwed up a great friendship by his inability to hide his attraction and control himself. After the evening they spent a few weeks ago, he knew he was starting to like her. But it wasn't possible to start a new relationship, he was literally never home. He settled on wanting to be just friends because he couldn't be a good boyfriend right now, he reminded himself. Just as he was about to give up hope, his phone dinged.

Caroline: Alright sure, but only because I need the money. Standard rate, $100 an hour.

Charles quickly responded, about to offer to come pick her up, but was reminded of the state of his back and waited for his savior to arrive.


A few minutes later, his doorbell rang, and Charles felt the familiar sensation of adrenaline coursing through his veins. This girl had some effect on his subconscious, as he was borderline shaking every time he knew he was about to see her. Charles made his way over to the door, silently promising to himself that he would behave, allowing them to get back to a normal friendship.

"Jesus, Charles, you really did a number on your back if you're walking like that," Caroline stated, with a surprised look on her face as he opened the door for her. Charles loved that she didn't feel the need for small talk anymore, and he loved how brutally honest she could be in times like this. Within 10 minutes, he was back on his bed, face fully shoved into the mattress.

Book 1: Leap of Faith -Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now