Chapter 29

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Chapter: 29 decemberish 2023

It was the evening of the gala and Charles had sent Caroline a whole glam squad where they were both getting ready. Charles spent most of his day playing video games and chatting with his friends and family, knowing he didn't need much time to prep. He pulled on the suit jacket of his Armani tux and took one last look at his hair before making his way down the stairs. They had planned to meet at the front door of the hotel room at 5pm, and he smiled knowing that she would never be late. He looked up at 4:58 as he heard the glam squad shuffling down the hallway. He greeted them as they collected a tip and scurried out the door. A few seconds after they left, Charles heard the sound of heels echoing off the marble floors as he eagerly waited to see her. He fiddled with the box in his hands, trying to let his nervous energy out. Charles' eyes went wide and jaw dropped as he laid eyes on Caroline. She was absolutely glowing in the green dress that brought out her eyes and matched perfectly with her hair. Charles pressed a hand to his heart as if to fake a heart attack, grinning from ear to ear. He couldn't wait to show her off to everyone.

"Wow... I'm speechless," he said, still entranced by her every step. He loved when she was in his jumper and sweats, but he couldn't deny that she looked incredible like this. The dress fit like a dream and her hair was styled in a sweeping updo. It framed her face perfectly.

"Me too. I'd like to personally thank Mr. Armani for this tux because it looks incredible on you," Caroline said as she reached out and touched the lapel. He looked like he walked off the runway, absolutely striking in his perfectly tailored tux. Caroline couldn't believe this man was her boyfriend. He was so perfect in every way, it was almost unreal.

"I actually have something for you," Charles said as he glanced at her empty neck. He pulled a small, flat box from behind his back and started to open it. Caroline's brain jumped to 'proposal', but she soon realized the box was not a square shape. He gently lifted the lid, revealing the most beautiful diamond necklace she had ever seen. It was a small necklace, almost a choker, but it was covered in multiple carat diamonds. She gasped at the sight, only ever having seen things like this in movies. He grabbed the necklace with care, motioning for her to turn around. He placed it around her neck, also placing a small kiss behind her left ear when he finished clasping it. She turned around to face him, seeing pure happiness in his eyes.

"Charles this is too much, you couldn't have bought this for me," Caroline said with a concerned look.

"Oh no, sorry, it's just a rental for tonight. Do you want one though? We can go get one?" He said with an eagerness to his voice. Caroline, not picking up on the fact that he was dead serious, laughed at him and pulled him in for a light kiss. Her lipstick was perfect, so that was all he was going to get before pictures. They smiled at each other, standing in the foyer of their suite for some time until Charles got a text stating the arrival of their driver.

As they made their way down to the awaiting car, Caroline's nerves started. She watched the city fly by her, once again hearing Nicole's words, "The press can be absolutely brutal. Absolutely horrible." She couldn't help but feel like those words would come true tonight.

Charles felt her leg shaking as he put his hand on her knee to try and calm her down. It helped for a bit, but as they got closer to the venu, the nerves resurfaced. She swallowed the lump in her throat as they arrived. As if he could read her thoughts, Charles' voice brought her back to reality.

"Baby they're going to love you. You are amazing, you look amazing, and they will see exactly why you are my girlfriend."

Charles smiled his million dollar smile at her as he pulled her out of the limousine by a hand. Caroline envied his confidence at that moment because he belonged in the world of F1 like a perfectly fit puzzle piece. He was born in Monaco, for god's sake. Meanwhile, she felt like an edge piece that was smack dab in the center. She placed one heel on the ground, steadying herself with his hand. He quickly placed the other on the small of her back to help her out.

Book 1: Leap of Faith -Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now