Chapter 24

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Chapter: 24 November 18th, 2023

It was the 18th of November. The big day had finally arrived. It was the morning of the first ever Las Vegas Grand Prix. Caroline was abuzz with excitement, going over all of the details for the plan with Carlos and Charles as they met in Carlos' suite. Never in a million years did she think she would ever be in a room with the two of them at the same time. She was still nervous that it was going to turn awkward at any second, but things were going well so far. Caroline pushed worry out of her mind before she started to speak.

"Okay Carlos, you have the restaurant all lined up. Charles, you're taking care of making sure Marie gets to the Grand Prix, and then delivering her to the restaurant where Carlos, you will be waiting. Please, dress nicely. Both of you. She has to believe it's a fancy dinner. Both of you need to wear your blue suits." Caroline was practically rambling at this point, pacing back and forth in front of the couch.

"Care, relax, it's going to be great. I think it's the perfect mix of grand gesture and apology, giving us a chance to talk at the restaurant. She loves races so she will be in a great mood. I hope it works and I haven't wasted your time," Carlos said nervously, glancing back and forth between them.

Caroline knew Carlos was on edge, even though he was trying to comfort her. Ever since the plan to surprise Marie was constructed, he had been a nervous wreck. He cared for her so much. Everyone could see that. It made Caroline and Charles work even harder together to try and make this gesture perfect for their friend. They had gotten to know Marie through Carlos' stories, and knew they would love her too. Her funny but strong personality was just what Carlos needed in a significant other, but Marie just needed to be sure Carlos was ready for something long-term this time. With all the hard work and small details they had planned, Caroline was sure there was no way Marie could say no to Carlos.

Charles could feel the nerves bouncing around the room. "Mate, you've got this. You're pretty convincing when you're adamant about something. Just tell her how you feel and be honest. Nothing to lose, everything to gain," he said, smiling at his friend. He was trying to reassure them, and himself, that love wasn't lost if it was meant to be. The irony of his words was not lost on him as he caught Caroline smiling softly out of the corner of his eye. He smiled back in her direction, hoping he could find an opportunity to put his own advice into action soon.


Caroline arrived on the track, taking in the glow of the Vegas streets around her. This was definitely going to be an epic event that the F1 community would be talking about for weeks to come. With her VIP lanyard around her neck, she took a moment to appreciate how lucky she was to be there. The stage was set for the plan and everything was perfect. Caroline and Carlos spent the whole morning decorating the restaurant where she would return before the action started to light all the candles and do the finishing touches. Caroline roamed around the paddock, feeling excited but nervous. She saw a flash of red out of the corner of her eye, instinctively turning to see who was wearing it.

"Hey! I saw you walking around. Do you want to come hang out in the garage?" Charles asked, his eyes squinting from the sunset. Caroline was taken aback at how god-like he looked with the sunset illuminating his face. Golden hour looked really good on him, and she would be stupid not to notice.

"Sure!" Caroline said enthusiastically. During their walk towards the garage, she was playing with a few escape plans in her head. She knew that every time they were in a room together, it felt electrically charged. Even with her firm 'friends-only' stance, there was something there. "Did you run over here to come and get me?" she asked, with a playfulness in her voice.

Charles felt the heat in his cheeks because he knew she definitely saw him breaking out into a sprint to catch her.

"Uhhh..." Charles ran a hand through his hair, unsure if he should lie or not. "I was just doing a little... warm up jog."

Book 1: Leap of Faith -Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now