Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: July 29th, 2023

It had been a few weeks since Spielburg, and their PG shower night. Caroline was slightly sad that they didn't have sex, but the memory of laughing with him in the shower meant more to her than any post-sex flashback. Since then, they had a few Facetime calls and texts, but they hadn't seen each other in person. Charles was deep into the season, spending a lot of time back in Italy and traveling between countries. Caroline was taking on more patients and stuffing her days with activities to not think about Charles 24/7. They texted pretty often, but neither dared to mention the glaringly obvious fact that they couldn't keep their hands off each other, and that they might be more than friends.

Caroline was throwing her hair up into a high ponytail as she heard her phone ding from the kitchen. She casually walked over, tightening her ponytail before flipping over the phone to see that it was an email from an F1 team. She frantically opened it to the news that she would be flying in today to help out with one of the drivers. Caroline never did well with surprises, as she liked to have things planned out. Realizing she needed to move quickly, she immediately jumped into action, accepting the position and running to her room. Neatly folding her clothes into a suitcase, she thought of the exciting weekend ahead of her and the new driver she would get to work with. Charles crossed her mind, but she was determined to remain focused on her work and the driver that needed her services.

She was bound for Belgium and the Spa Grand Prix before she knew it. It was the last race before the summer break, and at this point Charles still held a slim lead over Max in the driver's standings. Caroline had made sure to watch every race she did not attend, pretending that it was the same as before she moved to Monaco. But now, every time she saw him on her TV, she found herself smiling. The TV cameras never did his beautiful face justice, but she knew the man behind the attractive face and famous job.

Texting Nicole seemed like a good idea, as she was desperate for some girl talk time and a distraction in Belgium. Caroline was determined to avoid her ever-present feelings towards Charles at this grand prix, as it was more and more obvious that they couldn't behave in the same room. And god forbid someone saw them, it might cost her her job. Her plan was quickly formed in her head, and it was aptly titled 'avoid Charles at all costs.'

Hey! Guess who's flying to Belgium right now... dinner tonight if you're free?: Caroline

Nicole: Say less. Absolutely. I'm making a reservation for us right now for 7pm.

Caroline smiled at the response, feeling confident that her plan would work.


Caroline sat across from Nicole at a beautiful, tiny restaurant tucked into a very hip neighborhood. It was exactly the type of place someone like Nicole would be seen: trendy and cool without trying. Caroline felt cooler by just being in her presence, listening to her life update since they had met a few weeks prior.

"No seriously, it's been insane. I know it's Logan's first year as an F1 driver and technically my first year as an F1 WAG, but it has been the most amazing few months just traveling around and shopping and eating. I have been really desperate for a friend though, so your text came exactly when I needed it," she said, reaching out for Caroline's hand.

"Ugh, me too. I'm in this super complicated boy situation that I've never been in before and I'm just... feeling a bit lost through it all." Caroline said, opening up to the woman in front of her. Nicole reminded her so much of her friends back home, knowing that they would all get along incredibly well. Before Caroline could elaborate, the waiter set their drinks down- glass of red wine for Caroline, espresso martini for Nicole. Trendy, just like her. After sipping their drinks and nodding in approval, Nicole continued

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