Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: August 5th, 2023

The door to Carlos' guest room slammed behind them as Carlos pressed Caroline's back against it. The two of them had sprinted back to his place, never letting go of one another. They did not dare to utter a single word or verbalize how bad of an idea this was. There was no stopping now.

Carlos' lips felt like heaven as she kissed him. His lips were soft, but the way he kissed her back was anything but gentle. She couldn't help but think about how different this kiss was to the last one she had with Chalres. Carlos was a bit more aggressive, letting his hands run all over her as he continued to apply more pressure to her with his body, pushing her harder into the back of the door. His movements felt rushed and hurried, as if at any moment they would realize what they were doing and stop. Caroline couldn't hide the fact that his enthusiasm turned her on, especially with the amount of alcohol in her system. Carlos moved his kisses down her neck and continued down to the neckline of her top as Caroline let out a small moan. Caroline felt everything, completely losing control of any rational thoughts.

Suddenly, Caroline was in Carlos' arms and her feet were off the floor. He carried her over to the bed and threw her down as she let out a small giggle. The world around her was spinning as she laid on her back with this gorgeous man looking like he was about to devour her. Caroline's drunk brain had fully convinced her that she could replace any memories with this one, and it would get her to stop thinking about Charles. It seemed like a foolproof plan and she was not going to stop it from playing out.

Carlos decided he wanted Caroline to forget her mystery man all together and only have him tonight. He wanted her attention, her kisses, and to feel her small body shake under his as he fucked her silly. Once she was done laughing, Carlos climbed on top of her with one hand on each side of her head. He needed to make sure she was okay with what he was about to do. He moved his nose to her neck, nipping her ear, before he whispered,

"Caroline, are you sure you want to do this? Are you too drunk?"

He was being respectful of her boundaries, even with his boner pressed against her inner thigh. It made her wildly turned on. Her body felt like it was on fire and knew she would explode if he was not inside her soon.

"Yes. We both need this," Caroline replied clearly, feeling more sober by the minute.

Carlos realized that they were both trying to escape from memories that had been haunting them. And that this beautiful woman just gave him permission to make her forget any other man she had ever slept with. She urgently pulled him into a kiss before he could think about anything else. He responded to her by letting his hands explore the curves of her body. She followed suit, running her hands up his chest and locking them on his arms. She felt his arm muscles tense under her hands, appreciating them through his shirt.

As if he could read her mind, he stood up and peeled off his shirt and shoved his pants down to the floor. Caroline's eyes went wide as she gazed at every well defined muscle she could see. Her eyes move over his body, admiring his chiseled torso and how his tan skin made every muscle pop. She licked her lips before their eyes locked again.

Carlos was unhappy with the amount of clothing Caroline still had on. He lifted her hips and ripped off her jeans and aggressively tore that bodysuit over her shoulders and down her legs. Carlos growled as he saw she was not wearing any undergarnments. She leaned up on her elbows to touch him, but he wanted a different view. He grabbed her hips and dragged her off the bed to stand in front of him. He placed one hand on her shoulder and the other gently on her neck as he turned her around before she could speak and beg for his touch.

When he pushed her back on the bed, she was face down into the mattress, bent over the side. She could not be more turned on. He liked to be dominant too, something Caroline noticed was a common behavior in all of the drivers, regardless of the situation. They all craved the feeling of being in control, just like they felt at 200mph in a car. He moved her body like a ragdoll. Carlos positioned her exactly how he wanted to, with one hand still firm on the back of her neck.

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