Chapter 25

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Chapter: 25 November 26th, 2023

Charles sat in his driver's room with his head in his hands, willing himself to focus. Today was the last race of the season. He had slowly climbed back in the driver's standings, and was sitting in second place by 6 points. This was the day that so much of his life had culminated to, and yet he still couldn't find any focus. His brain was scattered like it had been since Vegas. After that race, he poured himself into his work to avoid dealing with his emotions. He couldn't even label how he felt, somewhere between confused, hurt, rejected, and sad. He had opened up his phone and tried to draft a text to Caroline about 50 times in the past week, but eventually gave up when all three of his languages failed him. He turned the volume up on his phone, trying to use the music to drown out his thoughts. His leg was shaking with anxiety as he stared intensely at the ground.

After another 10 minutes, he gave up and slammed his headphones down and decided to walk to his garage instead. The race day vibe in the garage was his happy place. He always found the chaos oddly soothing. He opened the door and stepped out, immediately having his eyes pulled to the back of the garage where Caroline and Marie stood facing each other, talking in deep conversation.

"Great. This is exactly what I need right now," he thought, sighing. Using sarcasm to cope with the feelings he had seeing her felt right in that moment. He knew she would be here somewhere. Carlos told him that they invited her as a thank you for her help in getting them back together. She and Marie had become quick friends, bonding at brunch the Sunday after Vegas. Charles walked him over to them, seemingly without a thought.

"Charles! Hi! Good luck today!" Marie said after hugging him. He released from their hug and looked to Caroline, waiting to see if she was okay with a hug. She opened up her arms with a small smile on her face.

"Good luck today, Charles Marc. I'm always rooting for you and I'm so glad I can be here as your friend," Caroline whispered to him, while still deep in the hug.

For the first time that day, Charles felt his body relax. He let himself take a deep breath, inhaling her perfume. He felt a thousand times better after seeing her smile.

"Thank you guys. I'm so glad to have both of you here, even if you're rooting for Carlos," he said smiling at Marie, "I've got to get back to work."

Charles smiled at them softly, not letting his nervous energy rub off on their good vibes. He turned around and walked to his car, starting to inspect it. He walked up to the side of it, remembering the evening he spent showing Caroline the car.

As if he was struck by lightning, Charles was hit with sudden divine intervention. He knew exactly what he needed to do. He stood up, as if he was possessed by something, and took off in a dead sprint down the hallway. The various mechanics and engineers watched, sharing confusing looks between them. He ran like his life depended on it, knowing that he absolutely had to do this now, before he went to fight for his life's dream. He wouldn't be able to focus on his drive today unless he unburdened himself of his thoughts. His heart rate spiked quickly as he continued to run. Finally, he saw what he was looking for.

Caroline was walking leisurely behind Marie before she felt a hand on her arm and was pulled into a driver's room. The door slammed behind them and Caroline looked up to find Charles with an insane look in his eye.

"Charles? Are you okay? You look... insane. Don't you have to go? The race is literally starting in 3 min-"



"No. It's my turn to cut you off. No, I don't want to be friends with you. I literally cannot even be in the same room as you because I can't stand it," he had a sternness in his voice that reminded Caroline of that day in Spa, feeling a sense of deja vu.

Book 1: Leap of Faith -Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now