Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: October 18th, 2023

Caroline was cleaning up after her last patient of the day, deep in thought about how she was bordering on her first year spent in Monaco. She smiled, recounting all of the firsts that she did this year. Regardless of some of the regrets she had, she was proud of herself for making a change in her life. Monaco was incredible- the food, the views, the culture. She even kept up with the second half of the F1 season, and of course keeping tabs on how Ferrari was doing. Caroline felt at home, even in her tiny apartment. She was smiling to herself thinking about it all, logging out of her work computer.

"I guess I'm really starting to feel better after everything. This is my new normal, my stability," she thought to herself. As much as she felt like she got her groove back, there was a bit of an empty hole in her life. She had Carlos, whom she had become super close with over the past weeks during their strategy sessions over takeout on his couch. But she missed the butterflies in her stomach and the color that would rush to her cheeks when she saw Charles.

Caroline shook those thoughts away, instead appreciating the brief moment of stability after months of emotional turmoil. She had just stepped out of the clinic when she heard her phone signaling she had received an email. Pulling out her phone quickly as she hoped it was a driver needing a fill-in trainer. She anxiously tapped over to her email, her heart racing, and skimmed over the words. A smile quickly spread on her face, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm going to the Austin grand prix, I'll be able to see my friends and family for the first time in a year." She got her flight information verified and rushed home to pack, only stopping to text her friends.

What are you guys doing this weekend?: Caroline

Kara: Care, its the Austin GP. Are you okay??? How could you forget that?

Emma: We have tickets but we are going to miss you so much it's not even funny

What if I told you that I'll be there? :Caroline

Her phone immediately rang with a facetime call from the girls. She guessed that they were on lunch or stepped out to call her. She answered the phone to three overlapping screams. Caroline laughed at their reaction, feeling the warmth spread in her body at the sight of them on her phone screen.

"Please tell me you aren't joking. I will cry." Lily said through a mouthful of food.

"I am not joking! I'm flying in to start Thursday, but I'm not sure who needs me. I will try my best to get us all VIP passes through some of the drivers I've met. Someone can probably get us passes," Caroline replied, making a mental list of who she could ask.

"I'm literally going to cry with happiness, Care, this is the best news of my life," Emma said, with a hint of emotion in her voice.

"Me too. I'll send you guys my itinerary and we can plan everything between that. I am beyond excited for this, I love and miss you guys. Now get back to work before you get fired." Caroline said, desperate to end the call before she started crying happy tears. She needed time with them more than anything in the world.


Caroline stood in the paddock, waiting on whoever needed her for that day. It was a rainy Thursday morning in Austin, and Caroline's mind was far from the paddock at that moment. She couldn't stop thinking about meeting her friends for dinner the next day. She knew they were landing on Friday and smiled, knowing it was going to be such a great reunion. She was lost in thought when a woman approached her. Caroline noticed she looked pretty familiar, but she had met tons of people after her weekends here and brushed off the thought. The lady moved swiftly, barely speaking to Caroline as she tapped on her phone. One thing Caroline noticed was that everyone in and around the world of motorsport was stressed. I guess the sheer amount of money involved was enough to stress someone out. Caroline arrived at the door, pushing it open. She was ready to get through this session and see her friends.

Book 1: Leap of Faith -Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now