Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: January 31st, 2023

After a particularly rough day at work with some tough clients, and some ill-timed memory photos, Caroline found herself sitting on her favorite bench once again. She took in the incredible sunset over Monaco, deep in thought about seemingly everything, all at once. She knew she had a bad habit of living in her head and stewing in the anxious thoughts that told her this whole move was a mistake. In fact, she couldn't stop thinking of all of the mistakes she's ever made, the most recent one being named Thomas. Seeing his face pop up on her phone was not something she had really anticipated today, as she saw that they were celebrating their anniversary a year ago. She really thought she had made a good choice in trusting him, in giving her heart to him. Caroline pulled her knees to her chest, hugging herself tightly in an attempt to calm her brain. Suddenly, it felt as if she was back in that apartment, watching the look on his face as she said those fateful words.

"Did you cheat?"

Caroline broke down onto the floor, knowing the answer to the question she had already asked. He continued on trying to explain himself and justify his actions, but to Caroline he sounded a million miles away.

"I... it was a mistake, I don't know why I did it. I don't have an explanation for you."

He shrugged his shoulders and shoved his hands into his pockets, looking more bothered by her emotions than anything else. It was very clear that he didn't even hold any remorse about it. His tone was flat and unaffected, as if these were merely words he had rehearsed before she arrived.

"Thomas, how could you do this? We've been together for over a year... I love you."

She lost a part of herself that day, her faith in people, and her ability to trust. Her friends noticed that she didn't laugh as much or smile as much, checking in often with concern. She felt like a shell of who she once was for too long after that. Caroline took a long, deep breath as she remembered the hurt and let herself feel it. It had been a long time that she had been running from that particular emotion, and these days she wondered if she ran across the ocean to get away from it. It was days like this that she needed her friends; needing an icecream run and movies to take her mind off it all. She closed her eyes and took a deep inhale, bringing herself back into reality as she heard someone sit next to her on the bench. She opened her eyes to the same black hat and aviator combination that sat next to her a few weeks prior. Before she could react, he was already talking.

"So Miss Chicago, what brings you to Monaco?" He said, ever so casually, as if there was no break in time since the last time they spoke. He had one arm casually slung over the bench and a relaxed posture, as if speaking to complete strangers was normal to him.

"Work," she replied in a blunt tone, still attempting to make out a face underneath the disguise. Caroline had never been one to be vague, but given her mood she decided to err on the side of mysterious.

"Not so chatty today?" He responded as he pulled off his sunglasses and looked out over the sprawling view in front of them.

"I wouldn't say-" Her sentence was abruptly stopped as she made eye contact with the stranger sitting next to her. She knew those eyes. She had met those eyes only a few days ago.

"Oh my god it's you. Charles. Charles Leclerc."

Those were the only words Caroline seemed to be able to let out of her mouth. Once again, this man took away her ability to speak proper English.

"I knew I'd met you before!" He said, smiling and turning his body to properly face her. "Dr. Caroline, the physiotherapist?"

Caroline smiled at him remembering her name, given they had only met very briefly a bit ago.

Book 1: Leap of Faith -Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now