April 15 2023

I can't with everything. Im too stressed out. I cut Na**** from my life and I don't want anything to do with him unless he shows that he is worthy enough to be considered my friend again. I lost my cool a bit and had to storm off because I was too pissed off so I had to go to counseling. I left my phone in my bad on accident be because I was just pissed and I came back to my friends crying. I felt so bad because I left them when they needed me but at the same time I had to calm myself down before things got out of hand. That was on March 30. Yesterday with M*** was weird. I hate M******. I hate how he always butts into our convos and walks with us without being invited. I don't like you and you know that I'm walking with M*** go to ur mf class and leave us alone. I was just walking behind them be they were having a more interesting conversation so I just ate my yogurt while they went in front of me. I felt sick and I wanted to cry and leave because I just want him to be with me. I only see him for like 5 minutes a day and it hurts me because I wish I could spend more time with him. I try talking to him about my dad and try to make him laugh but he just sighs. It's so awkward.

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