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"So I've noticed that Beom's been acting weird," Soora announced, digging in her food.

She, Soobin, and Yeonjun were at a restaurant to grab themselves dinner. The place was more or less empty and the chances of getting caught were low. It was cozy and comfortable to be at, mainly because of the several yellowish lights brightening the place yet being soft on their eyes.

"Honestly, I think it's partly true." Soobin thoughtfully commented.

"You can. He's been acting weird around me, not around anybody else." The brunette rasped.

"I know, right?" Yeonjun excitedly joined in. "He starts talking like a freaking philosopher at random times outta the blue."

"Does he?" Soora looked amused, a mysterious smirk on her lips. "That's woah! And you know what," She looked at Yeonjun in an if-you-know-you-know way. "he's been acting like a man around me." A faint blush painted her cheeks, but the other two didn't notice as she lowered her head to fidget with the spaghetti on her plate.

"Wait, is there something I'm missin' out?" Putting down his fork, the youngest knitted his brows, seeming to have studied the blush on his sister's face.

"Yes. That's cause we didn't rescue you from under the rock." The orange-haired scoffed. "She likes Beomgyu." He wiggled his brows at the brunette.

"The fuck!?" Soobin exclaimed a bit louder than usual, quickly dropping his voice again the next second. "You- you haven't dated anyone since eleventh grade!"

"Exactly why I think your bandmate has got a different effect on me." The brunette said, smiling cheekily.

"Girl share me the details!" Yeonjun chewed his food down rapidly to cheer with enthusiasm.

"Ain't no details I have bitch!" Soora snapped playfully. "I just guess he likes me."
"I mean I'm starting to have that one gut feeling 'bout it." She defensively added at the end.

"Just watch out in case you start dating," Soobin warned. "Dispatch is a bitch."

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