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"Beom fucking Gyu!" Beomgyu heard the lion he was trapped with growl at him. There were rattles of shackle as the lion shook its paw violently-

The brown-haired had his eyes fluttered open, but unable to stand the bright sunlight that slipped inside through the closed blinds, he closed them back again.

"I'm kicking the door down you asshole!" A voice shouted and it sounded like the lion's voice in his dream. So, what he had dreamt of was a mixture of reality and his imagination. Yeonjun probably had been nagging at him to wake up for too long to get wild like that and start spitting swears.

Beomgyu chuckled silently and sat up lazily on his bed. "You won't really need to do that. I'm up." He hoarsely shouted.

"Good for you." It was a threatening statement from Yeonjun before he walked away.

Beomgyu groggily giggled to himself and went up to get to the toilet. While freshening up, he tried to imagine how life would have been if he and Soora were together in a romantic relationship now. How would their mornings start? With a cheek kiss and soft whispers? Or with early morning sex and then laying close to each other again?

The boy snapped at himself for his silly behavior. He was way too delulu. He still had no plan on confessing whatsoever, being in a serious relationship with the brunette was a long way to go. What if all the members start criticizing him? What about his moas? And what concerned him more was whether Soora would accept his love.

Overthinking had almost consumed his mind totally but Beomgyu shrugged the unnecessary thoughts off for now. He needed to join the others at the breakfast table, he must before Yeonjun stormed to his door again and actually kicked it down.


"Good morning, noona." Beomgyu redly murmured as the first person he sighted was his noona after he had flung his bedroom door open. He was feeling his stomach doing flips and turns just by taking a peek at the elder who was standing in front of him. He couldn't even stand an eye contact with Soora, for which his gaze darted here and there, yet never meeting the elder's. It felt like Soora's piercing gaze could read his mind if he held strong eye contact and the girl would then make a fool of him for falling for her.

The brunette displayed an amused expression. Beomgyu would usually flirt with her or try to rizz her up, but she'd never seen him this shy and flustered before. What the heck? "Morning Gyu." She greeted back although, a subtle frown prominent on her brows.

The furrow in her face deepened as she spotted Beomgyu turning a brighter shade of scarlet, having heard Soora. The brown-haired rapidly glanced up and strode off quickly after he had flashed the elder an idiotic, tight-lipped smile.

Even though in the table as he wished everyone a good morning, he couldn't bear looking anyone in the eye. He felt like the others would look past his body and scan his brain, and then discover the hidden love he had for Soora. He was afraid that the other five would start pulling his leg and teasing him really badly if he ever spilled the fact even accidentally. But the brown-haired knew this too, that if he kept having his gaze down and here and there but never locking eyes with any of the boys, they might get suspicious. But as much as he attempted to act normal, he just couldn't shrug off the uncomfortable feeling of the others knowing what his little secret was.

Soobin was always a responsible leader, and a caring friend as well. It didn't escape his eyes that Beomgyu was acting weird. He nudged his boyfriend silently, and upon getting shot a quizzical look from the elder, he gestured at the brown-haired with eyes. Yeonjun followed his lover's eyes and it didn't take him a second to understand what Soobin was referring to.

Just like Soobin, the other four too had noticed the sudden change of Beomgyu's nature, though it wasn't that much prominent anymore. All the five just exchanged confused glares, minds carrying the same questions.


As it was Sunday, they would usually have stayed home. But since their comeback was upcoming, they must work. Thus, although late, the six went to the HYBE building that day, and there while Soora departed from the other five boys, another unusual thing happened. Beomgyu would usually engulf Soora in a breath-hitching embrace and whine a little, but today he just wrapped an arm hesitantly around the eldest's shoulders, letting go quickly after, with an awkward yet fond chuckle.

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