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The rest of the day had been spent away in the blink of an eye to all the six of them. They had got on the other rides, goofed around like teenage idiots, and had loads of fun altogether.

All of them were exhausted as a consequence of chilling out the whole day. So, when they had been back to Txt's dorm, Soora decided to crash there for that night. And it wasn't something unusual to any of them; she always spent a night at their dorm once in a while. They had five individual rooms there for each member, and one was always empty because Soobin and Yeonjun used one bed, cuddling and clinging together when they slept. So, apparently, it was no biggie if Soora slept over.

Everyone had freshened up and slipped into their comfy clothes (Soora borrowed her brother's). They gathered in the living room before heading off to their bedrooms to discuss the lyrics.

"So, after experiencing the raw emotions according to pd-nim, let's pop out some lyrics outta our drained brain," Soora announced with unseen sarcasm, which could be sensed although, lingering on her voice.

"I don't know, I'm dumb." Yeonjun held his two hands up, surrendering in defeat.

"Nobody asked you." The girl rolled her eyes. "Tae? Beom? Anything?" She glanced at the two.

"Need some time. I don't think right now I can help." Taehyun informed cheekily, scratching his nape.

"Beomgyu?" Soobin nudged the boy's side to drag him out of his thoughts. He seemed lost in his own universe.

Flinching slyly, Beomgyu responded with a faint "Yeah?"
"Oh, uh....Guys...I think I have some lyrics related to this topic written somewhere in my diary."

"Genius!" Kai praised cheerfully with honesty. "Now go get it for us."

"But I don't remember where I kept that thing!" Beomgyu attempted to make puppy eyes but failed miserably, making Taehyun let out a snort.

Heaving out a long and disappointed sigh, Yeonjun and Soora facepalmed in sync and Taehyun mocked the brown-haired with sarcasm. "What an idiotic genius!"

"I'm not paid enough for this." Rubbing his eyes sleepily, Soobin stated with a nasty, disgusted face, making Huening loud out his silent chuckles.

"Never mind, I'll just go and tryna find my filthy diary." Pushing his bangs up his forehead, Beomgyu remarked and got off, padding away to his bedroom.

"So, as I am the main writer of the song, do y'all wanna see what I wrote?" Soora wiggled her eyebrows.

"Eww no!" Soobin pretended to be grossed out and Yeonjun acted like throwing up. The leader of Txt earned himself a kick on his ass with that one kind remark and his boyfriend was hit on his thighs as a reward.

"Nobody asked you two!" Soora spat with burning eyes and looked away at the rest two youngers, her orbs immediately getting back their usual warmth. "Do you?"

"Of course!" Kai jumped up in excitement. "You're a fucking genius, noona!"

"Not sure about the 'fucking' part, but a genius, indeed." Taehyun agreed with a small nod.

The playful bantering among them went on as they all studied the lyrics. Even Soobin ended up praising his sister for her choice of words and the other four were already hollering over how Soora had written a masterpiece. It wasn't much later when the discussion finally broke apart and each walked back to their own respective rooms.

Beomgyu laid flat on his bed with the lights dimmed to its most. His eyes were drooping with tiredness. And before dozing off, he heard giggles and laughter coming out of Huening's room.

The boy didn't have much trouble distinguishing the voices. One belonged to Huening, as expected and the other one was of his noona. Damn.. what bad would've it been if it was me instead of Huening with her?

Jealousy sparked in him as he listened closely to the happy giggles of Soora. Beomgyu wanted to be the only one to make his noona laugh like that. He wanted to be the one that made Soora feel euphoric. And it did nothing but spark severe jealousy in him as he thought of Huening and Soora having the utmost fun together.

But the male knew better than that. So, he picked up his phone and opened weverse. Scrolling down moas cheerful posts made him feel a bit better. He even replied to a couple of them. After a while, he placed the device back in its place and shut his eyes to drift off.

The laughter of Huening and Soora could still be heard. They were probably playing video game now. Unknowingly, a heavy sigh was breathed out by Beomgyu as he made himself comfortable in the bed to doze off. As much as he tried to be oblivious towards the spark of jealousy in him, falling asleep, his chest was absorbed with blunt possessiveness.

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