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"Call your bestie! Where the fuck is she?" Soobin grumbled at Yeonjun.

The whole of Txt was now waiting impatiently down at the parking lot of the Hybe building for their noona to join in. They had planned to head off to the amusement park a good fifteen minutes ago, and according to the last message that had been shot to the female almost ten minutes ago, had been replied that she'd be joining them in the next two minutes.

The group was supposed to start to the park by now, but as the only girl in their squad hadn't arrived yet, they had no way but to wait up with a deadly pissed Soobin.

"It's not like she isn't your blood-related sis!" Yeonjun barked back at his boyfriend with the same rage.

The others just exchanged knowing glares. This was bound to happen. After all, when two men with the same anger issues were dating each other, these verbal fights couldn't be something unexpected. Especially, when you live exactly with them, the most you can be is disappointed, but not surprised anymore.

As an answer to Yeonjun's snarl, Soobin was about to say something mimicking when Soora rushed to them with an apologetic smile on her gorgeous face. "Sorry, y'all." She chuckled embarrassedly and hopped inside the car, which was more like a microbus.

"Sorry, my foot!" Soobin muttered lowly but followed his sister's action regardless.

Although, all of them would have fitted in just a simple-sized car, all six of them being idols meant they were bound to have their managers around whenever they'd head out. Unfortunately, yet, they had no way but to bear up with those fun-sucker humans until they would be idols no more in the very far-away future.

Their seating postures in the vehicle were dismay to Beomgyu, as from his position, he couldn't steal a glimpse of the ravishingly fine face of his noona. It was because, the girl was seated in the middle row's left corner, Soobin in between them, and Yeonjun by his right side. And, Beomgyu had been placed right behind Soora in the last row, Taehyun in the middle, and Huening in the right corner. Soora's manager and Yeonjun's manager sat in the row at the very front beside the driver.

But, little did Beomgyu care about them. All he wanted was to whisper to his noona how mind-blowing and awfully ecstatic she looked. The brown-haired couldn't help the fond smile forming on his lips. Just if I were in the hyung line, I'd probably get to sit with Soora noona in the front row.

Occupied in his thoughts, he didn't notice Taehyun glaring at him weirdly. His senses were smashed back into him when the younger ravenette snapped fingers in front of his face.

"Thinking about who?" Taehyun teased, which also caught Huening's attention. The youngest had been staring out through the window all along but whipped his head across Beomgyu no sooner than he'd heard Taehyun.

The eldest's eyes widened momentarily, but he covered up the next moment, his face awkwardly flushing faint pink. "I'm perfectly fine." He shot a thumbs-up at the other two. "Thanks for your kind concern." He mocked and turned his head away.

Woah! That was a close one!

Why was he smiling, though?

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