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A month or so later, TXT's ninth album, 'The Name Chapter: Freefall' was released. It received countless cheers from the MOAs, and non-MOAs liked this as well. Soora and Beomgyu's duet song, 'Blue Spring' came out well too, and the whole TXT performed it onstage with Soora in their world tour, Act: Sweet Mirage. The brunette felt euphoric working with TXT and seeing all the endless support from MOAs.

MOAs also didn't react negatively toward Soora and Beomgyu's playful backstage interactions, which were published with the behind-the-scenes of 'Blue Spring's music video, much to the two's relief. Not that they expected a toxic reaction; it was just that fear that nonetheless would nag at the back of your mind although you knew nothing could go wrong.

And lastly, Beomgyu, that brat was now back to his usual chaotic, flirty, and playful self. Yet there were some moments, moments which kind of rose Soora's hope that Beomgyu might like her, and she was trying so hard to press it back down.

She would often find Beomgyu's intense eyes roaming over her lips, but the brown-haired would glance away the moment Soora would look back at him. There also were times she could feel so certainly a prominent sexual tension building up among them, but as much as Yeonjun and Soobin would attempt to point them out, she would just laugh it off calling it their optical illusion and silly mistakes.

Right now, the brunette was on her bed, scrolling through her fake Twitter account to have a better knowledge of what was going on in their fans' minds. All of a sudden, she came across a post that grabbed her attention. It was shipping her with Yeonjun, gesturing to the knowing glances they had shared during the onstage performance of 'Blue Spring'.

Soora scrunched her nose up in disgust. Yeonjun was at the peak level of babygirl-ism, that even Soobin's. How could someone even spread straight rumors about him?

Pissed, she scrolled down. The next post that caught her interest was a post shipping her and Beomgyu.


Was her liking toward him that obvious?!

Panicking low-key, she clicked on the video that was attached to the post.

It was from their 'Blue Spring' performance as well. She and Taehyun were hitting the high note together and Soobin was singing the bridge part. Despite the poor quality and disturbance in lighting, anybody could spot that Beomgyu was directly looking at the female's lips. The staring didn't last for even five seconds, and the brown-haired had urgently glanced away once he realized what he was up to. But the stare was intense enough to go viral.

And it went so.

The clip wasn't longer than six seconds but had a view of more than six thousand and a half.

Soora's face had slightly heated up while observing herself and Beomgyu in the video. She considered visiting the comments to have a perception of the pieces of minds of their fans.

And it seemed that 70% of the population wanted her and Beomgyu to be a thing. The majority of the comments said 'They'd look so cute together' and some were followed with a 'We shouldnt ship them tho. Theyre good frnds and might feel uneasy'.

The brunette largely grinned scanning those.


She'd be all delighted and gleeful to happen to be Beomgyu's right one. But unfortunately, for her, Beomgyu was homosexual, and she was oh-so-nicely aware of it.

She audibly exhaled, forcing herself to get rid of the thoughts. That was when a message from Yeonjun peeped on her screen.

Bro-in-law aka bestie

Gurl hold onto smth real tight tonight
a huge asf surprise is on its way!!!
sent 03:08 PM

She knitted her brows, reading it again. What the hell was that bastard playing at?

Just as she was about to type something back, her phone dinged for the second time. This time it was Beomgyu. The furrow on her brows deepened as she clicked on the notification bar, which led her to her and the boy's personal chatroom.

Is Gyu 'the huge as fuck surprise' that dirty scumbag told me 'bout?

My bratty baby -3-

can i come over at the evening plz
my lovely as shit dormmates are heading out leaving me alone at the dorm again :(
sent 03:09 PM

Soora found this pretty typical. It wasn't something new for her and Beomgyu to go over to each other's if the boy was feeling lonely or was alone at the dorm. Was Yeonjun just trying to mess with her head?

Her heart trembled with hope for a second soothed down again. She typed Yeonjun a 'WTF???' and replied the other with 'Yes sweetie ofc and i'll make sure to bake ur fav cookies too!'.

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