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What the hell?

Wasn't Soora supposed to sit with him on the Ferris Wheel? What was this fan they had met in the café doing here?

And his noona didn't seem to mind at all that she was sitting in the chamber with that boy instead of Beomgyu.

Blood boiled inside Beomgyu's vein. He could sense storming rage at the back of his mind as he eyed how Soora was giggling and chattering with him, bubbly just like she did with Beomgyu. Her eyes sparkled every time she glanced at him, a faint smile obvious on her lips.

The brown-haired couldn't endure it anymore. He couldn't understand, how the other two couldn't spot him sitting with them inside the chamber in the moving wheel. Was he invisible? Was it all just a dream and nothing else?

But you don't feel emotions that drastically when you're dreaming, right, unlike how badly Beomgyu wanted to hold a knife up to that boy's throat. He sure had had a somewhat liking towards the boy back when he had first seen him in the café but now he just couldn't tolerate him being with his noona for so long.

He craved to be the one and only one beside Soora, making her smile so elegantly.

"Bitch take your dang hands off my girl!" Beomgyu screamed, blinded with rage as he noticed the boy's hand inching toward Soora's with a wish to intertwine their fingers.

The two who were seemingly stuck in their little world slyly flinched. Soora gave Beomgyu a sneering expression and so did the boy. He got up from where he was and started stepping closer to the brown-haired with a look of loathing on his face.

Beomgyu's back touched the wall of the chamber as he tried to step back. His conscience told him the boy had no good intentions whatsoever and he felt a knot forming down there in his lower abdomen. Nonetheless, his eyes kept glowing like two black diamonds with severe hatred.

The boy motioned towards Beomgyu's neck with his palms. The brown-haired widely stared at the two hands coming closer to his nape. He tried to fight back, to move his muscles and defend himself but his body didn't respond.

The two hands snaked around his neck. He was having trouble breathing at this point. The grip grew tighter and stronger, choking him. Beomgyu saw red and black stars flash before his eyes-

Drenched in sweat, the boy shot up straight on the bed, panting. He placed a hand over his chest, his heart hammering beneath his palm. Fuck, what was that!

He exhaled a breath of relief as he recognized the faded memories as just a mere dream, more like a nightmare. Not a biggie if it was a nightmare or not, it definitely was weird.

Why would he be jealous of Soora liking someone else romantically? Why should it bother him in the very first place? He was gay, his noona was straight, and there was no nothing between them.

Or maybe he was taking things way too lightly? There had been some moments in them when Beomgyu couldn't glance away from Soora's mesmerizing face when he just had wanted to do nothing but to have a taste of the elder's plump pinkish lips. He just wanted nothing but to shelter Soora from the destructive world. He loved to see the silly elder goofing around with a wide grin plastered on her face. He had always wondered why having his noona close to him made him feel so light-headed and lively. All the times he had flirted with Soora weren't just always out of playfulness; he could sense a strong bond between them, as though he had known the elder for all the lifetimes of his before.

Beomgyu had never taken a look at his feelings about Soora. He didn't because he had been certain all along that he could never fall for someone who was a girl.

But, even though Beomgyu was having a hard time accepting himself, he unquestionably had a liking towards Soora, a different kind of liking, which he had never experienced before.

He was used to the feeling of wanting to be protected, to be sheltered. He had never sensed these feelings of holding someone close to his chest and whispering to them the way his heart tingled and did backflips while being with them.

It was the moment he realized, those chaotic emotions about Soora were nothing but strong liking, or who knew, probably love? But whatever it was, Beomgyu had already and unknowingly grown fond of them. The title that he was homosexual seemed as though just a mere gush of wind.

Nobody ever knew how depressed and dreadfully blank Beomgyu felt while being stuck in the night in his bedroom, but Soora had always managed to find a way to fill that emptiness. She was practically in his mind throughout the days and nights. Beomgyu could now finally realize why every time the elder would come over to their dorm would make him squeal and run around like a toddler.

He was in love, in love with his best friend's sister.

On that same night, later when Beomgyu got out of his bed to get himself water from the fridge, he, for some reason had taken a peak inside Huening's bedroom. The door was half-open and a pale blue dim light arranged a different play of shadows.

Smiling softly, Beomgyu walked towards the sleeping form of his youngest teammate and beside the blonde, the person who meant the world to him now. The blonde embraced a pillow close to his chest tightly, lying on the bed horizontally. And Soora was leaning against the headboard with a pillow between her back and the wooden form. Her knee was engulfed in her arms and her head was arched backward against the white-painted wall, revealing her unusually and slightly large Adam's apple.

He walked closer to Huening a gently ruffled his blonde bangs, cooing at the younger silently. Huening didn't respond but just shifted a tad little groggily with a frown. Beomgyu took his eyes off of him and they landed on Soora now.

He gaped at her ravishingly charming face, gulping as he eyed the elder's invitingly looking Adam's apple. Beomgyu didn't mind much and padded towards her, cautious and alert so as not to cause a single noise that would break into Soora's beauty sleep. He tenderly cupped her cheek with one hand and pressed his chapped lips on her temple gingerly. He stood back properly then and kept staring at the elder with affectionate eyes.

He had never been this much in love before, and he was glad he had never because now he could state that he had never loved a single soul the way he loved Soora.

The brown-haired delicately brushed back a stray strand of brunette bang off of the elder female's gorgeous face and at long last, peeling his eyes off of her, he turned around. He was quick to spare Soora another glimpse before he walked away.

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