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Two weeks passed by in the blink of an eye, with Beomgyu's unclear emotions turning certain towards the brunette. He was starting to overcome the nervousness that rushed through his body every time he would face the girl, yet was hesitant to be bold around her like times back when he hadn't known about his emotions.

The two almost had to meet every day due to the song they were producing together. The time they would spend together, Soora noticed, that Beomgyu would easily turn flustered or shy. He even stopped those sudden flirts and rizzing up the girl.

And after two weeks of observing, Soora thought she better talk to Yeonjun about this. And on that Sunday evening, as per planned, Yeonjun was meeting up with Soora at a mall, but of course cautiously so they wouldn't get busted by dispatch.

But the moment Yeonjun told Soobin that he would be going out, the younger insisted on taking him along. And the elder gave in, unable to resist those dimple smiles and puppy eyes his boyfriend enchanted him with.

The other three remained at their dorm, and Soobin warned them not to mess around much before they had left. But Beomgyu and Taehyun had always been brats. They stole the large packet of Pringles Soobin had stored for himself and sat for video games. Huening joined in too, and the three were almost high with the controller, gazes glued on the screen. The battle kept ongoing for the next one and half an hour.

By then, a couple of cans of beer had piled up beside the trio. A few packets of chips and other snacks lay messily here and there on the blanket, but the three were way too occupied to pay mind to that.

"Damn you Huening!" Beomgyu shouted and tossed his controller away on the bed, losing for the nth time that day.

"Just admit that I'm better than you, sweetheart." The blonde puckered his lips and made the squeaky sound of kissing, which the elder cringed at.

Taehyun snorted. "But I'm better than you, sweetheart. You lost to me thrice, baby." He smirked at the youngest proudly. Huening just stuck his tongue out, rolling his eyes.

Beomgyu cackled, falling back on the bed with a loud thud. His mind immediately flew back to Soora. Screw her! She had his mind consumed the whole day and night.

"Who you thinking about hyung with that smile?" Taehyun teased as he studied the eldest's grin.

Oh shit!

He was grinning, wasn't he?

"Where d'you even see a smile from, you son of a bitch?" Beomgyu rasped, his grin gone in the blink of an eye.

"Language, hyung. I'm young." Huening teasingly said, laughing. The other two didn't refrain themselves from shooting him twitched side glares. "Anyway, Taehyun," He looked at the ravenette. "Do we say it now?"

"Say what?" Beomgyu questioned, genuinely confused.

"You've been acting weird lately," Taehyun spoke, maintaining eye contact. "And not just weird. Like, really weird, and strange."

"Weird? What weird?" The brown-haired tossed his palms in the air as if he had no hints of what the younger had mentioned.

"I know you know. Don't try to play the fool." Huening threatened. "Stop hiding shits and spill the beans."

Beomgyu kept staring at the two as though they were high on weed. Taehyun and Huening didn't care. They kept glaring back at the eldest, in the same way, radiating more irritation than him through their narrowed eyelids. The glaring contest went on, none wanting to give in.

Beomgyu glanced at Taehyun.

Then looked back at Huening.

Then again looked at Taehyun.

Then glanced again at Huening.

"Fine!" He groaned loudly, admitting defeat. "I'll tell you! Just stop giving me those eyes!" The youngers high-fived each other, celebrating their victory with evil chuckles. "I can tell you but please don't tell Soobin hyung and Yeonjun." He stopped for a second, sucking on the air sharply. "I think.. I like someone...?"

Huening made a surprised 'o' face with exaggeration, which fell a second later. "As if we haven't guessed that already." He scoffed. "Tell us who."

"And it's not a boy this time..." The eldest avoided eye contact, nonchalantly continuing his previous statement.

"We're not heterophobics, hyung." The ravenette piped in.

Beomgyu kept quiet, picking his nails with an unbelievable amount of concentration. The two patiently held their breaths for him to say it. And eventually, the eldest stammered out the name, so lowly almost not audible. "C-choi S-soora it is."

"What!" The blonde gasped.

Taehyun's pupils widened. "You're not kidding, are you?"

"I'm drop-dead serious, Tae," Beomgyu pointedly uttered.

"I dunno what to say..." Huening breathed. "I thought you flirted with her just out of playfulness."

"I believed that too till the point God chose to smack some sense in me." The brown-haired chuckled faintly.

The ravenette exhaled loudly, intentionally making it audible. "Now? What you plan on doing? Pull a move?"

"Let us see what the future has stored for us. A harsh reality, or a mutual destiny?" Beomgyu exaggerated it. Although, despite being dramatic, the brown-haired couldn't help questioning- how was his story going to end this time? The usual one, with a typical tragedy? Or a different one, where he would finally have a destination to reach back to at the end of the day.

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