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The doorbell screeched and Soora jumped off the bed, running to fetch the person. As she swung the door open, her pupils widened immediately, letting out a gasp.

Beomgyu stood there wearing a baggy emo tee, accompanied by a pair of black parachute pants. His brown hair was tousled, making the female crave to ruffle those fluffy locks. His hands were filled with a large box of KitKats along with a glittering bouquet of matte-looking lavender tulips. He smiled at the elder wholeheartedly. 

"What are these for!?" Soora asked, flabbergasted to see the younger holding her favorites. 

"Geez!" Beomgyu chuckled. "Lemme get in first, will you?" He playfully grumbled.

"Oh uh uhm.. yeah sorry..." She chuckled sheepishly, stepping aside.?

The brown-haired walked inside sniffling the air. "You've baked those, haven't you?" He looked back at Soora who was closing the door, his white pearls full on display.

"Who knows? Maybe, or maybe not." She shrugged, a mysterious smile ruling over her kissable lips. "Now tell me," Her eyes sparked as she placed herself across the couch on which Beomgyu sat. "Who are these for?"

"Is there anybody other than you here?" He shot the elder a twitched glare. 

Soora felt her heart vibrating madly. "Woo, what's the special occasion kiddo?"

"I don't know. Probably you." He shrugged.

The brunette stared at him, a small smirk of joy creeping up to her lips. "Wanna have my cookies?" She abruptly changed the topic. 

"You know what, I love you!" Beomgyu flashed the largest grin, exclaiming excitedly. 

Her heart skipped two beats in a row as she stared at the younger's face, trying to process what she had just heard. But a second later, her lips stretched into a decent smile. "I'll go get it for ya." She muttered before leaving. 

Beomgyu had said those words, but not at all in the way the brunette was yearning to hear.

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