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The next half an hour almost flew away. In the meantime, the group divided once again into two, Yeonjun and Soobin, and Soora and the rest of the guys. The couple had been off to stand in the long line again to the Ferris wheel, and the others had gone to explore the other rides and booths here and there.

Once they got together again, they started walking over to the rollercoaster. Soora's eyes immediately widened, her frightened sight following the train that was gliding rapidly down the slope.

She had got on the ride once, back when she'd been ten. And that too, because she had used to be deadly afraid of it, and her father had forced her to get on to it to break her out of her fear. But, she was now horrified of it, as a consequence of that terrible experience.

"Noona?" Beomgyu called out for the female, noticing she had stopped in her tracks.

"Yes?" Flinching slyly, Soora turned to the boy with an uneasy smile.

"What's wrong?" He asked, peeking a glance at the others who were a bit far away, almost near the queue. Huening looked back, waving a hand at the two confusedly. Beomgyu gestured for him to go on without them and the blonde shrugged his shoulders understanding nothing and turned back around to accompany the others.

"It's just...that.." Soora fidgeted with the hem of her white jacket, stumbling upon her words. "I don't wanna go. You go. I'll just...uh..stand here, you know." She rambled without locking eyes, nervously chewing on her bottom lip inside the mask.

"But, why though?" The younger was confused, a frown taking place on his orbs. "Is it somehow...your woman?" He questioned unsurely, making the shorter chuckle at his last two words.

Soora immediately understood what the younger spoke of, but in this century, more or less people used the actual word, right? "My what?" She giggled, and to suppress that, there were some faint snorts too. Beomgyu's face flushed red in embarrassment. "Never mind." She finally gulped down her laughter and managed to speak. "Nope, it isn't my period, in your words, woman." She giggled once again, getting reminded of the younger's previous remark. "It's just that, I'm terrified of rollercoasters." She shrugged, wiggling her shoulders.

Beomgyu made an understanding face, nodding his head up and down lightly with his lips making an 'o' shape.

"But why don't you go? The next time it's gonna be their turn." Soora pointed at the other boys, waiting in line.

How funny! If the teens and young adults there had known it was Txt and Soora standing in the line, they would've jumped up to get themselves the idols' autographs. They would've probably gotten free and quick service too from the management. But of course, none of the six celebrities were interested in using their flex-card and just kept quiet. They sometimes just wanted to be ordinary humans and not famous K-idols, who were always inhumanly bound to look fine and be admired by people.

"If you don't then I won't too," Beomgyu stated. He sensed a weird feeling inside his stomach. Something which told him that all the bumpy rides would be no fun if Soora wasn't going to be there to accompany him. His favorite rollercoaster would bring him no joy if there was no Soora by him. Rather, standing down there with his noona, having her constant warm presence in his life, it would be all and enough for his euphoria.

"Don't be immature." The female looked pissed, eyebrows knitted together. "You should go. I won't 'cos I'm afraid of it. But you're not. Why'd you miss having fun because of me?" She felt a knot of remorse forming inside her heart. I shouldn't have told him...

"It's fine, noona." Beomgyu assured, placing a gentle pat on the elder's shoulder. "I'd rather be here with you than be up there without you."

Despising the warm feeling blooming inside her chest, Soora was just about to open her mouth to state something in protest but the younger just shushed him and took out his phone to inform the other boys about the sudden change in decision.

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