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Beomgyu's deep voice made the brunette glance sideways at him.

They were seated on the couch side by side, a decent amount of gap between them. Beomgyu although intertwined their hands at a point throughout the movie they were watching and Soora had had no intention whatsoever to pull away. So it was still remaining like that. They had just finished watching the movie and the credits were now playing on the jet-black screen.

"What if I tell you I'm straight?" He breathed, gaze fixed on the 40 inch wide TV screen.

Soora swallowed the lump in her throat, heart thudding against her ribs. "What do you mean?" She stared at him.

"I.. I think I like a girl. And... I'm not probably gay anymore..." The brown-haired hesitantly spoke up, still not daring to lock eyes with the female.

Soora's Adam's apple sharply bobbed in her throat. She asked with a mixture of fear and hope, "W-who's she?" Her voice shook slightly in anticipation.

Beomgyu eventually looked at her. His raven eyes sparkled in a different way with warmth and adore. "She's you." He delicately whispered.

Soora found her breathe hitch in her lungs. She gaped widely, her heart forgetting it had a job to beat. "W-w-what?" She stumbled.

"She's you noona." Beomgyu repeated once again with trembling heartbeats. "And please, please don't make a fool of me." He plead desperately with a slight pucker on his lips. "I know it's weird but...you know.." He trailed off.

The brunette's grip on his hand clenched affectionately. "I wouldn't dare make a fool because, I like you back." She flushed a bit lowering her eyes, smiling shyly.

Beomgyu stared at his lover with widened pupils, his doe eyes holding severe astonishment.

-𝒯𝒽ℯ ℯ𝓃𝒹-

[sry for being abrupt but i rlly ran outta ideas. Anyway, tysm to everyone who has read till this. LYYYY ]

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