Chapter 2-the dream

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I wake up screaming for my life. My heart beats like crazy and I'm shaking uncontrollably. I don't now where I am and it takes me a few seconds to realise that I'm in the glade, sitting in my hammock. The next thing I notice is that I'm not alone, Thomas is sitting in my hammock right behind me holding me close to his chest.

"Ruby, hey it's okay. You're okay. It was just a nightmare, you're safe." he tells me, not letting go of me. I can hear the worry in his voice.

I turn around, my heart still pounding fast. He obviously just woke up, probably heard me screaming, his hair is messy and his voice is rough. He somehow manages to look breathtaking, even though he woke up like two minutes ago. He looks down at me, his breath also fast. We are so close. I can't breathe.

I get up quickly, almost falling over while taking a few steps away from the hammock and turning around to face Thomas again. I get a bit dizzy, but I shake it off. What did just happened?

Thomas stands up too and comes over to me. I feel overwhelmed by the situation and my eyes start to water. I remember the dream I had and the pictures won't leave my mind. I look up to Thomas and I don't even try to hold my tears anymore at this point. He opens his arms for me to hug him and I storm into them, pressing my head against his chest, crying all over his t-shirt. He holds me tight and only lets go after I stop crying.

He lays both his hands onto my shoulders and whispers down to me "Are you feeling better now?". I do actually. "Yeah." I answer him "Thanks Thomas.". I then look around, seeing a few other gladers laying in their hammocks slowly getting up. Others are still sleeping. The sun has already risen. It's early in the morning.

I look back at Thomas, unsure what to say. He checks the time on his watch "We have to get up in half an hour anyway, so let's get you cleaned up and then we go to breakfast.". I look down my body, realising my clothes are all sweaty and also dirty from yesterday. "You can borrow a shirt of mine." Thomas walks over to his hammock, grabbing two fresh t-shirts before dragging me with him, away from the sleeping area.

In the shower room Thomas gives me one of the t-shirts and I change in one of the showers. When I come out Thomas is already cleaning his face, wearing a new shirt too. I go over to him and start cleaning my face with water as well. I then try to straighten my hair with my hands a bit. As I watch myself in the mirror, I notice Thomas's blue shirt being a bit oversized on me, but I don't mind.

"You finished?" Thomas asks me. "Yeah and I'm hungry." I respond, making him smile. "Well then let's go over to Fry, get something to eat." he says leading me out of the showers again.

"Hey, if you wanna talk about the dream feel free to do so, yeah?" Thomas looks at me intently, trying to read my expression. I shrug it off "It was just a nightmare, nothing serious I think. But thanks for letting me cry all over your shirt." I grin at him. He chuckles "Everytime.".

"So what are we doing today?" I ask him, hoping we'll spend time together. "After breakfast we are going with newt. We'll find you a job." he says. A job. I know there are the trackhoes, the medjacks, the slicers and I think the sloppers or something. And of course the runners. Thomas is a runner.

The dining hall is filled with gladers sitting on group tables, talking and eating their breakfast. On the right side of the hall is the kitchen. I can see a dark skinned, bright smiling guy standing inside of the kitchen, handing food to the lined up people. Thomas and I walk over to them and line up behind the other boys.

"Hey, Thomas, Greenie come here!" I hear the boy in the kitchen. He is waving at us. Thomas guides me to him, his hand on the small of my back. "Good morning, Fry." Thomas says to the boy, Fry. "Morning Thomas, hi greenie." Fry turns to me. "It's Ruby." I tell him, a smile on my face. He copies my actions "Well then, welcome home Ruby, are you hungry?". "I'm starving." I say. He laughs and hands me and Thomas our food. "Thanks uh Fry." I say. "That's my name." he then goes back to the other gladers, waiting for their breakfast.

 𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 - maze runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now