Chapter 15-sleeping arrangements

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After Brenda took the lead again and we left the tunnels, we ended up somewhere in the city.

We've been walking for an hour or so. I completely lost track of time. We all have to rest so we are looking for a spot to sleep.

The city is kinda spooky. There are no people in sight, but you know they are there.

Brenda said they are hiding in the buildings. Hopefully they don't notice us. Apart from two guns and a knife we have nothing.

I'm concerned about our friends. They could be anywhere by now. I hope my sister is alright. They are with Jorge and I think he's smart. They'll make it.

Our destination still is the right arm. If we don't reunite in the city, then we'll meet them there.

I'm really thirsty and a bit dizzy from all the heat. My clothes are sticking to my skin. I'd kill for a bed right now.

"How much further is it?" I ask Brenda.

The girl is walking in front of me and Thomas. A while ago she said we could sleep in a car at a parking lot.

"I'm not sure. It should be around here somewhere."

So she doesn't know where it is.

"Can't we just sleep inside a building?" I'm not hiding my exhaustion.

"No Ruby, for the hundredth time we can't. The cranks are in there." Brenda is obviously a bit annoyed by me. I won't ask her again.

I turn to my boyfriend. Thomas hasn't said anything in half an hour. It's quite unusual for him to not talk at all. He must be deep in his thoughts.

I walk closer beside him and nudge his shoulder with mine. He looks at my expectantly.

"How are you?" I lower my voice a bit. Brenda doesn't have to hear every word we speak.

"I'm fine. It's the others I'm worried about."

I'm worried about them too. And I miss my friends. The last time I spoke to Minho, I wasn't the nicest. He deserved that in the situation, but now I regret it. Maybe I'll never see him again.

"They are going to make it. I know it." I lie. I guess sometimes hope is more important than the truth.

We are quiet for a few seconds, just looking at each other.

"I love you, Thomas." I randomly say. I have to tell him that more often. It's mostly him who says it.

A smile forms on his lips.

"I love you, Ruby."

I smile too.

And suddenly the world is perfect again. Not really. But I do feel a lot better now.

"Guys, we are there!" Brenda calls us.

We are standing between all kinds of cars. The girl is pointing at an old blue van. It's not destroyed like the others.

Finally. I jump into the van and look around. There are two seats in the front, one sofa in the back and multiple shelves.

I don't even notice them though. All I can think of is the sofa. I let myself drop onto it and close my eyes.

The fabric is soft and comfortable. I don't ever want to stand up again.

I hear footsteps entering the van too. There is a chuckle from Thomas when he sees me. I'm not bothered by Brenda looking through all the shelves for food or the loud noises it makes.

Soon I feel weight being placed beside me. Then an arm wraps around my torso and I'm being pulled against a warm chest.

Thomas places his head in the crock of my neck and caresses my bare arm with his thumb.

 𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 - maze runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now