Chapter 24- I remember us

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"Watch out, Ruby!" the brunette boy tells me with a joyful laugh. He is running a few meters behind me. I know if he wanted to he would be able to catch me immediately but he doesn't.

I get why. I mean where would be the fun in doing that?

I laugh too and look back at him. My long hair gets into my face and I pull it away with my hands.

"Trying to distract me isn't working. You gotta think of something better, Thomas."

I run around a corner and scan the white hallways for a place to hide. When I don't find anything I just keep running forward.

"You're never gonna catch me!" I laugh over my shoulder.

As soon as the words leave my mouth I feel my feet being lifted off the ground. Two strong arms wrap around my body and spin me around as I almost die of laughter.

"Got you!" He whisper yells into my ear and I playfully slap his hands away.

We both know that I could easily fight him and win but just like he won't catch me I won't do that.

"Let me down, T." I say calmly, yet there is still a big grin on my face.

He does as he's told and I turn around to look at him. His eyes are bright and happy. It feels better than anything to see him like this.

I place my hands on his shoulders and lean in. "Let's get something to eat."

He nods at me and I pull him with me.


"Please don't do that again, Charlie."

The younger version of Thomas and I are sitting on a bed in a tiny white room. His body is turned in my direction and I'm staring at the wall opposite from me. He takes my hand in his and gives it squeeze. "Look at me."

With a sigh I turn my head and lock eyes with him. He gives me a half smile. "If you keep getting into trouble he'll sent you up."

"But the guard shoved Ben!" I defend myself.

"I know Charlie." he nods understanding "The thing is that Janson doesn't care."

I swallow the lump in my throat away. "We'll be send up sooner or later anyway." I say dryly.

Thomas looks down with a sad expression. "Yeah I know, I just don't want to lose you."

I reach out with my hand and touch his cheek, mentioning him to look at me. The boy in front of me has gone through so much. I wish I could switch places with him but I can't. The two of us are one of the few people left. In a month or two we'll be in the maze and the worst thing about it is that I won't remember him.

I can't even think about it without crying. I don't want to forget him. I don't want to forget us.

I cup his cheeks with my hands and lean in to give him a soft kiss on his lips. He pulls me closer by my head and the kiss deepens.

When we part I lean my forehead against his and stare into his eyes. "You won't ever lose me." And even though it is the most cheesiest thing in the world I lay my hand on his heart "I'll be right here, okay?"

And he smiles in a sad way that makes me want to punch a wall.


I shoot up in my bed and look around with wide eyes. I'm still in the tent. A blanket is laying on top of me and in a chair next to my bed sits Thomas who slowly wakes up too.

Was that a dream or a memory? It felt like a memory.

My hand is in Thomas's and I pull it away to inspect it. The veins are gone. Am I healed? Did his blood heal me?

A laugh escapes my lips when realisation hits me. I'm not going to die. Smiling I sit up fully and wait for my boyfriend to open his eyes.

He does and rubs his head before noticing me. His eyes lit up immediately. My smile is so bright that my cheeks are hurting. He's grinning too.

"Good morning." I breathe out. My voice is still hoarse from the screaming.

Instead of answering he attacks me with a tight hug, almost making me fall off the bed but he catches me in his arms.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me even closer by my waist. One hand is on the back of my head. I take in his familiar smell. I must smell terrible. Though he doesn't seem to care.

I feel a tear dropping on the back of my shoulder and free myself from his arms. With worry in my eyes I cup his head and examine his face. Happy tears are brimming in his eyes and he's biting his lip.

"Are you okay?" I ask him gently. My hands are in his soft hair.

"Ruby, I thought I would lose you." he whispers with pain in his voice.

"I'm okay now. Thomas, I'm fine." I try to convince the boy. I don't want him to be sad.

He nods and pulls me into his arms again. I bury my hands in his hair. He then stops the hug without taking his arms away and leans in to kiss me.

I meet his lips halfway and kiss him back. It's been way too long long since we did that. We both smile into the kiss and I lean back so that my back is lying on the mattress. Thomas's body is half lying on top of me and half standing beside the bed.

I assume it's not comfortable for him. Butterflies explode in my stomach as I kiss him passionately. His hands move up from my waist to my neck and up to cupping my face.

"Oh my god!" A yell from outside the tent makes us part and look at the source. Ethan is standing in the entrance of the tent with wide eyes.

He quickly recovers and screams for the others to come greet me because I'm awake. I smile brightly and glance back at Thomas.

"I have to tell you something later." I whisper. He nods and gives me one last kiss on my forehead before standing up.

I want to tell Thomas about my dreams. I think they were memories.

Just when Thomas is fully standing our friends storm into the hut.

Teresa is crying when she hugs me. So is Newt. They both shush me when I start to apologise. I know it's not my fault but I still feel sorry.

Ethan and Minho tell me that they missed me and we embrace. Jeff is behaving like a typical medjack and asks me if anything hurts before he hugs me too.

Later after I apologised a million times, though they were not having it, Fry brings me dinner. I insist to stand up and join the others at a big group table outside. In the distance they made a fire and the smell of warm soup consumes me.

I eat two portions and compliment Fry on the food. He embraces me in response and we both laugh.

"I'm glad you're back." he tells me and I send him a big smile.

Inhaling sharply at the sudden touch of someone wrapping their arms around my waist from behind I turn around and meet Thomas's eyes.


"Hey." He looks into my eyes dreamily.

"I love you." I blurt out and my cheeks gain a reddish colour.

"I love you too."


I'm so happy right now. I just LOVE writing kissing scenesss
Hope you enjoyed xxxxx

 𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 - maze runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now