Chapter 27- Sonya and Newt

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Today new kids came to the right arm. A group of four girls, maybe more, I don't remember. They were as old as me and the glades. I felt really sorry for them. Their clothes were all dirty and they looked awful overall.

By that I don't mean that they were ugly because they certainly were not. I mean that they've gone through a lot. You can see it on their faces. All sad and lost.

I'd like to get to know them but Vince said they needed some rest first. I agree on that.

One of the girls has to share a tent with me because all the other tents are full. I left about fifteen minutes ago to give her some privacy and time to change into clean clothes.

I rushed out pretty fast and didn't really catch her name. She looked nice though. Her hair is a very bright shape of blonde and her skin is pale. But not unhealthy pale, more like an angelic type of pale.

Teresa and Brenda had to make space in their tent for a girl too. They have a bigger tent than I do.

So, now I'm sitting on a stone brick near the kitchen, waiting for someone to come by.

I know Minho is busy with helping Jorge and Brenda with some stuff. He told me that yesterday when we were running.

Thomas and Newt are with Vince. Apart from Fry, I have no clue where the others are.

The whole place is quite busy at the moment. Everyone is planning our trip to the save haven. There is a lot to do until then.

I lean my head back to look at the sky just to be blended by the sun. Sometimes the weather gets a little too hot which is probably still because of the sun eruptions.

Brenda told me it used to be a lot worse. They sometimes had to hide in buildings for days because otherwise they would have gotten a sunburn in a matter of minutes.

I never had a sunburn. Maybe as a kid.

"What's the matter, Rue?" A familiar British accent pulls me out of my thoughts. The blonde boy is walking towards the stone brick I'm sitting on.

Sighing I make place for him to sit down too, which he does. "I'm bored."

He laughs and it doesn't take long for me to start laughing too.

"That's like the best thing ever. After the maze and all I felt a lot of things but I was never bored." He says.

"Yeah no I like that we're not in trouble or anything." I chuckle.

"You better get used to it. Soon we'll never have to worry about anything again."

At least not about such things as greevers or cranks. I'm incredibly happy about that.

"So, what are you planning for your future?" Newt asks me.

Wow, never thought of that. I mean I did think about having a house with Thomas and all but not more.

"I don't know yet. You?"

He fidgets with his hands before looking into the distance. "I would like to do gardening. And I wanna be happy. That's all I ask for."

I smile at him. "Sounds good, Newt."

We are silent for a while. My thoughts drift back to the new arrivals.

"You know, maybe I should go check up on my new roommate." I jump off the brick.

"Alright, see ya."


I slowly open the tent and go inside. The blonde girl is sitting on her mattress. She changed into different clothes and is now wearing more comfortable ones.

"Hey, how are you?" I walk to my mattress and sit down opposite her. She looks up at me.

"I'm okay." She says and I realise that she has an accent. "I just hope that this time we really are safe."

"Trust me you are." I smile gently. "The people here are nice and soon we'll get to the save haven together."

She nods. I take a moment to look at her face. She is really pretty. I notice that she opened her braided hair and that it is now falling down her shoulders in waves.

"I like your hair." I tell her.

And she smiles for the first time. "Thank you. What was your name again?"

"I'm Ruby, nice to meet you." I shake her hand laughing.

She grins "Nice to meet you, Ruby. I'm Sonya."

Wait. Sonya? Isn't that the name Teresa said when she told Newt about his sister? I mean that could be a coincidence, but also the accent and the hair. I don't think so.

My face falls and I think she notices. "What's wrong?"

"Do you come from the mazes?" I ask her.

Now her expression turns into a sad one. "Yeah."

"Okay, Sonya I need you to stay here. I'll be right back." I rush out of the tent and run over to Teresas.

I nearly bump into the girl and she looks at me with wide eyes. "Ruby, what's going on?"

"Teresa, you said Newt has a sister right?"

She nods with a frown.

"And her name is Sonya?"

"Yes." She says.

"Okay uh I think I found her. You have to tell me if it is her."

We walk back to my tent where Sonya is waiting. Teresa sits down next to her and I sit down on my mattress again.

"Hi, I'm Teresa, Ruby's sister." She greets the girl.

"Hi, I'm Sonya." The girl says, slightly irritated.

"So?" I ask my sister impatiently.

She turns towards me and nods with a genuine smile. "It's her."

My smile brightens and I lock eyes with Newts sister.

"What's me?" She asks confused.

"I'll leave you two alone, but I'll go find Newt and tell him to come here." Teresa steps out of the tent.

I turn my gaze back to the girl. "I'll explain it to you."

She nods.

"So, we were in the maze too. Except mine was full of boys. But then Teresa came and got us out of there. She is the only one who remembers our past."

"When we got out of the maze she told one of my friends, Newt, about his sister. She said her name is Sonya. And well I asked her to tell me if it is you. It is."

Sonya looks at me with wide eyes. "I have a brother?"

A smile creeps onto my face. "And he's the best. Newt has been my best friend since the maze. He is the nicest person you'll ever meet."

Now she smiles too. "Really?"

"Yeah. And he cares a lot about other people. When my sister told him about you he was devastated."

"I want to see him." She says urging.

"He should be here any minute."

Nervously the girl looks to the tent entrance.

After two minutes of waiting someone comes in. I recognise Newt immediately.

He steps inside and his eyes lock with Sonyas. She stands up too.

"Are you Sonya?" He asks nervously. I smile at how similar they are.

The girl nods and a few tears form in her eyes. She steps forward and hugs Newt. At first it is a gentle hug but then their arms tighten around eachother.

They part and look at eachother with happy tears in their eyes.

I open the tent and step out to give them time to reunite.


I honestly don't think I have ever read a fanfic in which Sonya and Newt find out they are siblings.

Hope you enjoyed

 𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 - maze runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now