Chapter 7-confessions

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After Minho was dragged to the medjacks and Newt convinced Thomas to get checked up too, I tried to find out why Minho was even hurt in the first place.

Of course Minho couldn't tell me why so I went after Thomas and Newt.

"Tommy what the hell happened out there?" Newt asks him while they are sitting in the medhut. I'm standing close to them so that I can eavesdrop. Minho is laying on a bed in another room. Jeff and Clint are with him.

So who's gonna check up Thomas? Ohhh. That's probably my task. I quickly get my stuff and sit down in front of Thomas and next to Newt. Newt seems to concentrated on what Thomas is going to say that he doesn't really notice me.

Thomas stops talking and looks at me. But he doesn't look happy. He watches me almost angry. No not almost, he is angry. His jaw is clenched. But why?

"Thomas! Tell me what happened." Newt tells Thomas, raising his voice a bit to get the boy to talk to him. Thomas turns to Newt again and starts talking. There is anger in his voice.

"Minho and I were in section seven. A griever was there too. It followed us and then it catched Minho. But it didn't sting him, it just runned him over. He lost consciousness and I had to drag him back." Thomas quickly tells him the recent events.

Newt seems deep in thoughts. He then gets up and walks out of the hut "I'm gonna tell Alby about this. Ruby check him up. Later we will have a gathering about... well everything." And he's gone.

I'm alone with Thomas. We both don't talk and he continues looking at me angrily while I patch him up. I don't enjoy his mood and I would like to know why he's mad at me but I don't want to ask.

When I'm finished he leaves the hut without saying anything. It hurts to see him like this. He won't even talk to me.

I think about what Newt said. That Thomas likes me. Then why is he acting like this? In a quick motion I stand up and follow him. He walks in the direction of the map room in the deadheads. Right, he still has to map what he saw today. Maybe that's why he was in a rush.

"Thomas?" I say and he turns around. I take a few steps forward. There are only two meters between us now. "Is everything okay?" I ask him slowly. He looks upset.

He scoffs "No Ruby, nothing's okay."

"Did I do something?" I'm slowly getting mad at him too. Why can't he just tell me what's going on?

He doesn't respond and I raise my voice "Thomas what's going on?! Why are you acting like this?"

He doesn't reply to my question. Instead he raises his voice too "Don't ever do that again!"

What? "Do what exactly?" I say.

"Putting yourself in danger like this!" His teeth are clenched together.

"Is this about the maze?" I answer him irritated.

He doesn't answer. He's angry at me because I ran into the maze. But I don't belong to him or something. I can make my own decisions. He doesn't even care about me.

"Why are you acting like you care?! You don't even like me! Why are you mad at me because I ran into the maze? Why does it bother you!" My voice is very loud now and I look at him angrily. We never fought before. And I never was this angry before.

His breathing goes faster and he takes one step forward, I take one step back.

"No Ruby, you don't get it! I care about you so damn much it's driving me insane. Theres not a second I don't spend thinking about you. When you are talking to me I can't concentrate cause I feel the need to kiss you and never let go again. If you are happy Im happy. I can't stand seeing you sad and when you hurt yourself I feel physical pain in my stomach. It's like I knew you before the maze and I can't explain it but as long as im with you I don't care where I am. So forgive me if I want to protect you,-"

 𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 - maze runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now