Chapter 12-on our own

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I wake up earlier than the others. Thomas is still sleeping with a tight grip around my waist. I turn around in his arms and watch him.

His chest moves up and down to the rhythm of his breathing. His hair is messy. It looks very good though. I smile at him.

"Staring is rude, darling." he suddenly says without opening his eyes. His morning voice is killing me.

"I'm allowed to do it." I answer him.

He opens his eyes "Oh you are?"

He pulls me closer to him and gives me a kiss on the nose. I grin at him.

He continues kissing all over my face while I giggle.

He rolls me over so that I'm beneath him and kisses me on the lips. I melt into the kiss immediately. My arms are captured by his hands so I use my legs. I wrap them around his waist and he groans slightly.

I grin when he begins kissing me more hungrily. Our bodys heat up as we press against each other stronger.

The tiredness is gone now.

I can feel his muscles under his shirt. When he takes one arm away from my hands to play with the hem of my shirt, I let my hand slide over his chest slowly.

I think all of his weight is on me now. It's still not enough. He thinks so too. He stops the kiss and looks at me.

"Are you okay with this?" he asks me and mentions at my shirt.

I nod at him.

He looks at me sternly "Yes or no, Ruby?"

"Yes." I roll my eyes at him, but before I can say anything his lips are on mine again. While he kisses me, he slowly pulls up my shirt.

"Wait Thomas!" I panic. We completely forgot about Ethan.

He stops immediately. "We don't have to go this far if you're not comfortable-."

"No it's not that. Ethan ist still here. I'm not doing that in front of him." I laugh.

"Oh shit, right."

We look over to Ethan who is still sleeping.

"We should wake him up. We have to go and get to the mountains." Thomas says before standing up.
He pulls me up with him and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Go wake up the others, Ethan and I are gonna come to the hall and meet you there." he tells me to which I nod.

I go into the hall where we sat yesterday and see almost all the gladers laying there. A few of them have mattresses, most of them don't. I guess we were lucky.

Nobody's away yet. I walk over to my sister and carefully shake her shoulders.

"Teresa, wake up." I whisper.

She opens her eyes quickly and gets up.

"We have to go to the mountains." I tell her and she understands in a second.

Together we wake up the others. Thomas and a very tired looking Ethan join us after a few minutes.

Everyone packs up their backpacks and stuff we found in the shopping mall. When we walk out of the mall, Thomas, Teresa, Newt, Minho and I are at the front.

It doesn't take long for all of us to notice that Teresa has no actual clue where to go. Thomas sees mountains far away from us and we decide to go in this direction.

The sun is shining mercilessly and without a shelter it's not fun. Even Thomas and Minho are out of breath at a certain point.

We get to an area where a few destroyed buildings are standing and go inside one to find shelter and take a break.

 𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 - maze runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now