Chapter 30-Paradise

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I didn't catch a lot of sleep last night but I really don't care. It is so early in the morning that the sun hasn't even fully risen yet. Everyone is up already and we are leaving the harbor in a matter of minutes.

From here to the safe haven it will take us about four hours so we don't have to spend another night inside the ship.

Since there is nothing to do anymore other than enjoy the ride, a crowd of people has gathered at the railing. Including me and my friends.

Thomas keeps telling Ethan to watch out course he is leaning dangerously far over the railing. I think my sister is seasick which would be the explanation to why she is nowhere in sight.

On top of the ship it is pretty windy which is why Thomas gave me his jacket. It's a brown one and it smells like him. Now he is standing next to Ethan with only a t-shirt. I feel kinda bad.

Next to me Minho is complaining about the wind ruining his hair or something. Mine keeps getting into my face and blocks the view.

But the ship still hasn't left.

Then a loud noise announces that we are leaving the harbor. Many people cheer or raise their arms in the air. I try to push through the crowd and closer to the railing.

I feel the ship move and stumble a little on my way to Thomas and Ethan. Next to the younger boy is a small space left where I quickly go to. With my hands on the railing I lean forward and watch the wild water beneath me.

I take a deep breath through my nose and close my eyes. The fresh air makes a grin form on my lips. We made it. Now there is no going back. We are safe.

The wind blows through my long hair, making it fly in all directions. Next to me I hear Ethan laugh in joy. I open my eyes and we exchange a knowing look. Both of us lean further over the railing, looking down at the big waves.

A second later I feel Thomas's hands on my waist, gently but firmly holding me. His arms are keeping me from falling down anyway so I lean over the railing even more. His grip tightens and I can only imagine his face right now.

After a while of enjoying the view I step back a little and Thomas lets me down. I turn around and smile at him which he returns.

Happy about his older brother not paying attention to him anymore, Ethan leans over the railing more than before and almost loses his balance. Quickly I take his arm and pull him away from the edge.

He rolls his eyes at me but the corner of his lips moves upwards and into a small smile.

I turn my gaze to my left and notice Brenda, Newt and Jeff a meter away from us. Jeff is clearly avoiding the edge but the other two are laughing and pointing at the sea.

The island is almost not visible anymore. Time flies.

"Ruby!" the girl taps my shoulder even though I was already looking at her. "You and Thomas looked like Jack and Rose from Titanic!" she tells me excitedly.

My expression turns into a frown. "Who?"

She pulls a face. "You don't know Titanic?!" Brenda makes it sound like a crime but I'm sure it's just a film or something.

"Brenda, I only started remembering a few weeks ago. I never heard of Titanic, whatever that is."

"It's a movie." she says with raised eyebrows. "Man, Wicked is evil for making you forget Titanic."

I laugh. "Yeah, I'm sure remembering a film is more important than remembering my family."

Her eyes widen. "Oh, I'm sorry Ruby! I didn't mean it like that."

Laughing, I put my hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, I'm not offended."

"Guys, look!" Ethan yells, not taking his gaze away from the water. Aside from Jeff everyone rushes to the railing and stares down. A movement in the water immediately draws my attention.

Something disappears before I can make out what it is. Then the next wave arrives and my mouth opens at the sight of...

"Dolphins!" Newt states, also looking down at them fascinated.

"Cool." my voice is barely audible. I can't turn my gaze away from them.


"Another half an hour and the ship arrives!" I run through the place. Teresa is sitting on a box with supplies. Her skin is pale and she is holding her stomach with both her hands.

An hour ago me and Jeff decided to keep her company inside the ship. Jeff insisted on leaving the railing because he wasn't feeling well. I came with him to check on my sister. Thomas and the others stayed outside.

"Finally." Both Jeff and Teresa say under their breath.

"Oh come on, it is not that bad." I say to which Teresa rolls her eyes.

"God, I think I'm gonna get sick." she says, looking at the ground.

"We'll be there soon. You can rest then." I try to lighten her mood.

"Yeah." there is no enthusiasm in her voice.

I glance at the stairs that lead to the outside and my sister catches me looking.

"You can go, Ruby. Don't worry, I'll be fine." she assures me.

I smile at her and give her a quick hug before sprinting up the stairs. "See ya!"

Back on top of the ship I search for my friends and see Thomas standing with his back towards me. I grin and quietly move closer to him. When I'm only a meter away from him, I jump onto his back surprising him.

A yelp escapes his lips and I laugh loudly while letting go of him. He turns around and his face lights up. "Ruby!"

He takes my hand and pulls me towards the railing. The others are here too. Everyone is waiting for the sight of the safe haven. I'm standing next to Thomas and he wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to his chest.

I embrace him too and step closer to the edge.

A few minutes of us staring at the sea go by until someone shouts. Soon everyone is cheering and I join them as I see the silhouette of an island far away.

Thomas and I meet eyes and turn to stand opposite to each other. His arms sneak around my waist and pull me closer to him as I place mine on around his neck.

With everyone around us cheering loudly, our lips meet. It's a passionate and happy kiss. We both smile into it.

He is the person I wanna share the rest of my life with and I will.

When we part our foreheads are leaning against each other. I stare into his beautiful brown eyes and he stare right back with a big smile.

"I love you, Thomas."

"I love you, Ruby."


I'm freaking out.

 𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 - maze runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now