Chapter 18- "I got shot."

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I don't know how long we sit on that uncomfortable chairs, staring at the walls, until we hear screams and loud noises from downstairs.

We all shoot up in our seats immediately.

"There's no way they called Wicked that quickly." I say in disbelief.

Thomas just frowns.

We hear people running around and windows being broken. I'm not sure but I think at some point there even are gunshots.

After a while it goes almost completely silent. Just a few voices and footsteps are hearable.

Then the door is being pushed open. Revealing...


Shocked I look at the blonde boy I spend almost my whole life with. He's okay.

A weight I didn't know of leaves my shoulders and I smile at the boy.

"Guys, they're here!" He says over his shoulder.

And then he runs towards me and knees down to untie the rope.

As soon as I'm free I rush forward and wrap my arms around his body. He hugs me back, holding my head with one hand.

"I missed you!" I cry into his shoulder. "Are the others okay too?"

"I missed you too, Rue. And yes the others are fine. Everyone's alive."

I missed that nickname.

I look at the door and see Minho and Ethan running inside. Behind them are Jorge and Teresa.

I let go of Newt and Teresa runs into my arms immediately. I hug her tightly. I see first Ethan and then Minho hugging Thomas. Newt gives him a long hug too.

Jorge unties Brenda quickly and they talk privately.

Next thing I know Jeff and Fry step through the door and see us.

Jeff tries to get to me but Minho pushes him away and wraps his arms around me first. I laugh but hug him back.

After a moment Minho lets go of me and it's Jeff's, Ethan's and Fry's turn to greet me.

Zart, Winston and two other boys from the maze are there too. I never really talked to them so I just give them a short smile. One of the two boys smiles back sweetly.

I should really learn their names.

"Alright, enough of this." Jorge announces "We have to get out of here."

Everyone agrees and together with the help of Jeff I get up. I'm still a little dizzy from the drink.

When we walk out of the room I see a few people running down the stairs. Other people are sitting against a wall. Their hands are tied up.

I see the three man who kidnapped us and they send me a dirty look. Now they're the ones tied up.

We stop halfway down the stairs and wait for the others. Ethan and Thomas join Jeff and me. Thomas comes over to me and lays one hand on my cheek.

He leans down slightly "Are you okay?"

I sigh "You asked me the same question about fifteen minutes ago, Thomas."

"Yeah but you don't look okay." he watches me intensely, waiting for a reaction.

I shrug "Well, I am."

I don't want to convince him of that so I turn away and look at Ethan.

I send him a small smile. He grins at me in response and goes back to talking with Jeff.

I watch them for a while. They are okay. I don't know what I would have done if they weren't.

A sudden anger overcomes me. Anger at the cranks. And at Wicked.

But the cranks aren't here right now. Neither is Wicked.

The only person I can be mad at is the man who threatened me. And his colleagues.

I walk over to them and knee down in front of the man.

Without a warning I punch him in the face. I hear something crack. Maybe his nose. He's holding it with both his hands while bending over.

Behind me I hear people calling my name. Someone wraps their arms around my waist and pulls me back. I don't fight it. I got what I wanted.

The person who pulled me away grabs my shoulders and turns me around to face them.

Of course it's Thomas.

He looks at me with confusion and anger at the same time. I stare right back with a stern expression.

"Ruby, what's going on!" Thomas says, lowering his voice when he notices it's raised.

"Nothing." I mutter. I want to walk away but he holds me tightly.

"You've been acting like this since the van. I want to know why!" he says.

I can't concentrate on his words. They sound weird. Far away. It must be the drugs. Yeah.

Thomas shakes my shoulder.


"What!" I snap back.

I don't listen to the things he says next. I let my gaze drift away.

I see Jorge and Brenda leaving the room. Teresa, Newt and Jeff walk over to us. Newt takes Thomas' arm and pulls him away from me.

Teresa and Jeff help me walk down the stairs. It all happens so fast. My head hurts so much.

I feel sad, angry and tired at the same time. Jeff and Teresa keep asking questions but I don't answer.

I look back at the men. They are staring at me already. All three.

And then one of them, the wasted one, grins at me. He takes something out of his jacket.

It's his gun.

I don't have time to warn the others. He aims and shoots it a quick moment.

I don't know if it was meant for me. Probably. But it misses me. Instead the bullet lands right in Thomas' shoulder.


Now I can see clear again. I scream his name and run forward.

He stumbles a few steps back and forth and looks at his shoulder in confusion.

Blood is spreading from his shoulder. He looks up at me, then at the others.

And as if that wasn't obvious he says :"I got shot."

These are his last words before he falls to the ground. Newt and I catch him and lay him down.

"No no no no no." I says over and over again while pressing my hands on the bullet wound.

At this point I am crying and shaking so hard I can't stop the bleeding properly. Jeff gently pulls me away and overtakes.

I look at my boyfriend in horror. Everyone crowds around him and soon I can't see him anymore.

I press my eyes shut and hold my stomach.

Not him. Please not him.


Well, that was something. I was kind of bored sorryy. But yeah, he'll make it. I mean he's Thomas right.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed xx

 𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 - maze runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now