Chapter 23- the right arm

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My eyes flutter open when I feel arms laying me down on an uncomfortable bed. I hear faint voices and footsteps of people walking around the room.

With a quiet sigh I close my heavy eyelids again.

How often did I faint in the last few weeks? It's getting pathetic.

I have a horrible headache and my heart is pounding fast in my chest. I can literally feel the infection in my body and how it consumes me.

Through my lashes I glance at my surroundings. I'm in some kind of tent. There are people standing around my bed. They are deep in a conversation which is probably about me.

I don't even try to concentrate on what they are saying. I feel miserable. If the people don't shut up soon I'm gonna kill them.

And what scares me the most is that I might actually mean it.

One of the three boys in the tent goes over to the woman on my right. She is standing next to a desk with several tools.

The boy holds out his arm and she takes blood from him. I squint my eyes and try to see who it is. He steps back and a girl takes his place. I watch the woman doing the same thing again.

After two minutes all four people in the tent leave through the entrance but one stays. A boy with brown messy hair and pretty eyes.

I wonder who he is. Maybe I know him but I don't remember.

Now that it's not that loud in the tent anymore I can finally hear what they are saying.

"You're immune, Thomas." The woman is doing something with his blood and a serum but it's too far away to see.

The boy nods but doesn't turn his eyes away from me. Why is he looking at me like that?

I frown at him and open my mouth "Who are you?" My voice is hoarse and doesn't sound like me.

The second the words leave my mouth tears slip from the boys eyes. He runs a hand over his mouth and makes his other hand into a fist.

I guess we did know each other in the past.

"She will remember me right, Mary?" His voice sounds so desperate as he looks to the woman.

She sends me a short glance and gives him a sympathetic smile, though it doesn't reach her eyes.

"I hope so."

A sob escapes his lips and he moves closer to me. I almost flinch when he takes my cold hand in his warm one.

Something about him makes me want to hold his hand, so I don't move away. He doesn't look down at the strange black veins all over my arms instead he watches my face.

My eyes must be completely black by now. I remember that they were almost fully dark a day ago. Or were it two days? How did I get here? What is the woman doing with the blood?

Should I run away?

I try to sit up but something is holding me back. My eyes fall onto a rope around my waist and my wrists. They tied me to a bed. What are they going to do?!

It's too much. The anger consumes me fully. I snap my head to the boy sitting across from me. He's crying but I don't care.

"Let me go!" I say angrily.

All he does is shake his head gently.

Frustrated I try to kick him with my legs but they are tied up too.

 𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 - maze runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now