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{Pony's POV}

Dallas leans over the bed with me in his arms, setting me down over the cool sheets. I feel the comforter get pulled over my body, embracing me like I wish Dal's arms were. The comforter will have to do. Warmth folds over me and I nuzzle my face deeper into the pillow. Dally gives a giggle to my small action.

I see him lean down to my head, resting his chin on the bed in front of me.

"see you in the morning, angel. Please sleep good, and remember, I love you. Night, baby." His lips press gently on my temple. I wish I could see his face as he pulls away, but my heavy eyelids won't budge. The last thing I hear is the door gently closing, and the room going black.


It's almost 11:30 and the movie is winding down to the climax. The drive in is very busy this Saturday night. The drive in was the one place where socs and greasers alike went. I turn my attention back to the action movie we came to see, moving my eyes to see through the windshield.

As soon as the action rises, the face on the screen fades to black with a rise in the tempo of the music. The intermission sign and animation pops up on the screen. The popcorn, soda cup, and candy bar dance across the screen singing that stupid song.

"You want anything from the stand, Pone?" Dally asks sweetly. My beautiful boyfriend. Such a sweetheart.

"Thank you, Dallas. I'd love a coke, actually!" I love that he spoils me sometimes.

"Well then, it's all yours. I'll be right back." He flashes me a smile before starting to leave the car.

"Wait, Dal- why don't I just go with you?"

"It's all right, Pone. I'll be there and back. Y'know what? I'll just leave the keys in the ignition, that way you can keep warm."

"Ok Dal. You're real cute when you're considerate." I chuckle.

"Anything for Ponybaby." He closes the door, and I watch him fade away through the rows of cars, tucking his hands into his leather jacket pockets.

I'm nervous now. There's a lot of people, but I'm all alone. I try to take my mind off the thought of being alone and vulnerable, paying close attention to the dancing animations on the screen. I sit still in the mostly silent car. An eerie silence takes over. I lean my head on the car window, looking blankly at the front tires of the car next to us.

The car door pops open on the drivers side, and I'm glad Dallas is back.

"Hey, babe, thank you for the co-" I see the face in front of me. It is not Dallas. It's a dirty face, framed by black hair falling around his features. His eyes are heavy and deep, and he seems to breathe heavy, though no sound comes out. I'm completely paralyzed. It's Curly Shephard in the front seat of Dally's car.

"miss me?" Is the question he asks me. I can't scream. If I tried, it would only come out as a coarse squeak. My body flinches into action and I start to paw the car door, desperate for any escape. Before my hand finds the handle, the click of the door lock sounds.

"you didn't think it would be that easy, did you? You and I have unfinished business." He states this calmly as I continue to try to pry open the door. He takes the wheel in his hand, turning the key, pulling out of the spot. As he makes it to the middle of the road between the rows of cars, I see a familiar boy in a leather jacket, walking down the road with a popcorn bucket and two cokes.

"D-Dallyyy!" I cry, the tears already wet on my face. He notices the car, and begins to run, dropping the popcorn and drinks. He is not fast enough for the speeding car, which leaves the Admiral twin and enters the highway at a breakneck speed.

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