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"Ares." My father greeted him with respect, which was uncommon even for his family members.

"Winston, pleasure." Ares stood up to shake my father's hand with a cold smile plastered on his face, "Please sit." he said, pulling out a chair for him. Even Ares was the perfect husband because, looking at my father's face, he seemed pleased, very pleased.

"How is business going?" My father dubbed, taking a sip of his wine, knowing damn well that it was good.

"Good. Let's cut to the chase. I came to discuss a deal. As you said, let's discuss that." He nodded towards the folder that my dad carried. It was unusual to discuss a deal in a restaurant. Most were in board rooms, but I guess this wasn't most things.

Winston nodded, taking out the folder, but he didn't open it, "This will sign over to you 40% of the shares for Wang Energy, but you must keep your end of the promise along with the deal for your marriage." My father smiles, his usual commanding and snarly voice dropping the act. 40 PERCENT?! WHAT? Was he insane? What would he be gaining from this? The man I knew wouldn't have given up 10 percent of his company for all of his children...

"Father?! How will this save us, and what do you mean by the promise for the marriage?" I exclaimed, nearly getting up, startling both of them with my loud voice.

My question hung in the air for a moment, an unsettling silence that was broken by a deep, disapproving glare from my father. He had a reputation for being very particular about how things were discussed at the dinner table, especially when it came to his business. '

My father stood up as his hand met my face, slapping me. "Shit." I winced as I clasped my hand onto my face. My hands were now shaking, and I sat back down. I felt like a little girl again. This wasn't uncommon but in public?

"Sophia," he growled, "I've told you before not to poke your nose into my affairs. You're too young to understand the complexities of the business world. Don't meddle in matters that don't concern you."

"Winston, the next time you put your hands on my wife, I will ensure I am the last man you see." Ares gritted, shooting my father down with a cold stare. His voice was calm but with a warning. Honestly, it caught me off guard. I gave him a thankful smile, and he just nodded. I swear this man had bipolar disorder; one minute, he's a stone-hearted jerk, and the next, he's calling me his wife.

My father grunted begrudgingly and sat down, opening the folder.

"My questions remain unanswered."

"He will become a partner and COO at Wang Energy, saving this damn company." My father explained it made sense Ares was killing two birds with one stone: 40% percent of a sinking company, still a company nonetheless, and a wife for his public figure. I have to give it to him. He's smart, but we already knew that. "And as for your marriage, for the sake of both our families, you will make this seem real. Every week you will go to dinner once. That is all I ask, and to attend events together. You don't have to be together the entire time but go together. Now that you are his wife, you will also need to quit your job." what? Everything seemed fair, the dinner events but not my job. I worked too fucking hard.

"She doesn't need to quit her job." He said before I could say anything, "Everything else... is okay."

My father opened his mouth as if to object, but Ares shut him down with one stare; he probably didn't want me in his house so much. If I didn't have a job, then we would be forced to endure each other's horrible presence, or more so, his horrible presence, and with that, he signed the contract. It was locked in. Ares Russo, the detached fuck boy mogul was now. In my life, as my husband. 

Authors note: I know that it has been mainly in Sophie's POV, but it will eventually be Ares's and I know this chapter was short, sorry! 

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