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My heart is beating so hard, and adrenaline is pumping actively through my veins. The look on Ares's face as he stepped into the house was mortifying. The entire ride here, he was clenching his jaw and his entire body was tense as if he was ready to fight someone, as if someone was actively about to attack him.

What the actual fuck happened. I wanted to go after him, but when I followed him out. He was already gone. I know he had been hesitant about going to New York, but I hadn't imagined him running out. Was he disgusted by the place? It was comfortable and warm. Everything I didn't have growing up with my dad. I can't even call him my dad. He was my father, a man I was bound to by only blood. It was nice, the fireplace and the cute walls it wasn't extravagant but I liked it.

Kenji said something about how he owned the place before he moved to San Fransisco then sold it to the man that he bought it from. Talk about a full circle, huh? I looked around the little place. A bit rough. There was a hole in the wall, but other than that it seemed cozy. He also sent me a text about a meeting he set up with someone. I forgot when it was, but it was with a representative for somesort of rebellion against Obsidian. I'm assuming the people that were in it had been affected by an underground organization I used to work for, Obsidian. Almost every teen from a wealthy family was sent to Obsidian for a type of training. With the amount of money we had when I was a teen, it was needed for my protection. Most went on to live normal lives, but some stayed at obsidian as agents.

You didn't have to be wealthy to be an initiate there. You just had to have potential, but most wealthy children were sent there for protection.

Ares. I'm sure knew about it, considering he was a fucking billionaire with many connections but seeing that, he didn't get his fortune until his twenties. I don't think he ever was trained there.

Almost everyone knew what obsidian was on the outside, 'an exclusive club that resided in Manhattan which only the wealthy had access to." but only a handful knew that it was just a cover-up for an underground secret organization run by the two most elusive billionaires Lorenzo Solokov and Lucien Deluca.

Either way, the stupid rebellion or whatever they were doing had no chance against Obsidian, but this would be entertaining. I truly wonder how Kenji got this meeting. Odd.

I'm worried about Ares. Since the night that I hurt my ankle, I have been sleeping in his room, and my stuff has all mysteriously been moved to his room. Whenever we're in bed together, I can feel that he's still awake, and when I wake up, he's  already up. There was one time that I woke up before him and... I don't know. He had panic laced across his entire face, and he was shaking, his jaw clenched, and he woke up all of a sudden in a panic, except when he woke up, it looked like he had just been through hell and back. It was a while ago, and I didn't know what to do.

I call him again, but the phone just goes straight to voice mail. I want to sleep, but I'm not sure whether it'll be as fulfilling as I need it to be considering Ares...

I shouldn't care this much, no strings attached, but every time I saw him any bit of a pain my heart was squeezed. Nobody has cared for me like that other than my girls? No one. No one threatened people, no one spent millions of dollars on me like it didn't mean anything, like I was incomparable to a few million dollars. He made me feel fucking priceless, and whether that's a good or bad thing, I'm still trying to figure out.

Right now, I need sleep, whether it's good or bad sleep I need it after a five-hour flight, my body is drained. I am fucking drained. I throw my jacket onto the couch and take a blanket closing my eyes.

Authors note: there's going to be a really cute scene next chapter but I'm too lazy to write it today and I feel bad for not updating for ten days so here's a really small chapter :D nothing really happened here.

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