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There's going to be a lot of switching back and forth for the POVs in this chapter! 

Sophie's POV

We had agreed to dinner once a week, but today we were going to a gala later tonight, it was our first event together, and there would be press a lot of it, especially since the daughter of billionaire and Princess Valeria Xia. She rarely went to events hosted by people who weren't close friends or family, much less one in San Fransisco across the country. Valeria was the explanation of beauty with her long hair and perfect body.

Though all eyes wouldn't be on us, there would be a shit ton of press, and we needed to make a good impression. Two weeks ago, we went to the dinner, and just that had articles written about it. What would happen if we went to a gala with 2 of the most famous people living on freaking earth? Press, press would happen. 

It was Saturday, but Ares had been working since 7 in the morning, and it was now 5 p.m. The stylist was setting up, and I had no idea what to wear. It was a black-tie event, so not too formal. Either way, it had been so long since I had a stylist for a gala. In the past few months, due to my father's company going down, we haven't attended anything, which was fine because galas were fun but also so money-consuming with all the auctions and fundraisers. I'm very open. 

Makeup wasn't really my thing. Sure, I felt pretty when I put it on, but I never really learned how. Mom had taught Bella, but when it was my turn, she was over the whole "mom" thing and was traveling on Father's money. 

"Sophie dear, come over," Kenna yelled from the closet, or, more so, a stylist's room, as I walked over. Ares was already in there with his cold face and arms crossed. 

I waved, peaking my head in, "Hey, are we starting already?" 

"Darling, what do you think." he smiled a melancholy smile, waving towards the multiple dresses set out along with suits. Right.  

I sat down in front of him and her, "You're getting styled?" I frowned, blowing out a sigh. 

Kenna tsked her tongue and shook her head, "You two will get matching suits and dresses." I looked at Ares, who was clearly displeased by this, "Since y'all are together?" 


"Don't worry, I don't want to match with you." he spat, standing up and brushing his shirt.

And then, as if testing the limits of my endurance, he leaned closer, his lips grazing my ear, his warm breath sending a shiver cascading down my spine. Time stood still as I felt the whisper of his words, a whispered promise or maybe a threat, "but for the sake of our image, I'll gladly wear a suit and play our role," he whispered just loud enough for me to hear and Kenna to miss. 

Oh fuck, my body froze before I regained my composure, "Ah, way to make a girl feel special." I thought we had made some sort of progress at the company, but I suppose to him, business and personal lives were completely separate. 

"I'm not here to make you feel special." he sighed, sitting back down, "Kenna, let's just get this over with." 

Kenna tenses and nods, "Alright, both of you stand next to each other, please." we do, but at a distance, "I'm thinking purple for tonight?" she asks, taking out a purple dress and a black suit with a purple bowtie. It looked good, but I don't know, didn't at the same time.

"Black, perhaps?" he slipped a watch on and sat back down, sinking into the chair. 

Kenna shook her head as if we were threatening to kill her, "No." she muttered, "That's the color Valeria is going to be wearing." 

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