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I knew what I had to do. I have to end things with Kenji. Not only because if this got out, everything would crash and burn but also because a scandal would be upon us. The fact that Time magazine had an article on our damn marriage was enough for me to decide upon this.

Every time my lips met his, one thought ran through my head: Ares. Every time, I wished it didn't, but it did. I shouldn't feel guilty, but I do. I shouldn't feel bad for thinking of my husband in such a way, but I do. His indifference to me is... fuck. He's becoming better... sweeter... nicer... and more caring.

No time for such trivial matters. I had the biggest deal to close. A make-it-or-break case.

"Kenji." I greeted the man sweeping our floors; everyone was watching, but I didn't care. Nobody here would say shit, not if they wanted to keep their jobs.

He smiles, "Hey Sophie!"

"Look, I need to talk to you."

"We're talking. What is it?" he tilts his head.

I take a deep breath, "this is over. We can't do this." I point between us. I should feel bad for what I just did, but I don't. I don't feel anything. Perhaps Kenji was just a momentary distraction. No, he definitely was.

His eyes flicker into almost anger or frustration for a moment, but he regains his composure. "okay." he grits his teeth, "You'll still be staying with me for New York, right?" Odd question.

"I don't see any reason to anymore, though." I appreciated the free home and how it was so close to all the main outlets, buildings, and companies. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, especially with Ares around.

"Please come." He pleads with desperation in his voice. Odd. I nod, and he smiles before walking away. That was really odd, no tears, no begging. Perhaps my ego has grown too large when it comes to these things because the last time I broke up with a guy, he clung to my leg like a baby. Pathetic.

I check my phone for any emails regarding deals or whatnot, and there are none, at least for right now. Right now, I was going to get a drink with my friends. One last outing before I head to New York for god knows how long, but before I went out, I had to speak with Ares about an energy plant deal.

As usual, he was in his office. I took a tentative breath before stepping in Ares's office. The usually imposing space, with its sleek, modern design, now felt different. The air carried a heaviness, and the atmosphere hinted at something amiss. Ares seated at his desk, his normally composed demeanor shattered. The muscles beneath his tailored suit seemed coiled, as if ready to spring into action, yet bound by an invisible force that kept him restrained. His hands were clenched into tight fists, knuckles white against the dark fabric.


He looked up, and for a moment, his gaze softened as it met mine. But the fear in his eyes remained. "Sophie," he acknowledged, "What is it?"

"I just wanted to say that I passed the energy plant deal down to a subordinate because I'm still preparing for the Ricci deal." and... I broke whatever I had off with Kenji, even though there wasn't much to break off, but the fact that he kissed Dina made me not.

He tilts his head, "Dina." reading my fucking mind. Was I that readable usually? No one knows me in that way other than Lucia.

Before I say something, he does, looking down with, "I didn't kiss her."

"Well, she said otherwise." I bow my head forward, biting my inner lip.

He slips in a quick scoff, more of a laugh, "She kissed me. I pushed her off the second she did. I would never do that to y-" He pauses with uncertainty written on his face, an emotion he doesn't often wear. He didnt need to finish his sentence. I knew what it meant, and I was happier than I let on, but he also saw right through that, "you are my wife. The second we signed the papers, you were my wife. I would never degrade our marriage to that. Never." he brushes a stray hair from my face.

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